Jakob Bachta

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Jakob Bachta , also Jacob Bachta (born February 27, 1806 in Koblenz , † October 27, 1855 there ), was a German history and portrait painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Jakob Bachta was a son of the Koblenz painter Johann Baptist Bachta , from whom he also received his basic artistic training. Evidently in the summer half of 1830 and in the winter of 1830/31 he was enrolled in the "Upper Class of Performing Artists" at the Düsseldorf Art Academy - but without naming the teacher - and in 1831 he was in the annual exhibition of the Rheinischer Kunstverein in Düsseldorf with a self-portrait and with the Cardboard for the painting "Tobias, healing his blind father's eyes". In addition to other history paintings, he delivered altarpieces for various churches on the Moselle . Simple portraits of his citizens have also been preserved. He is said to have made a trip to Paris and taught at the Höhere Töchterschule in Koblenz from 1844. The sister Eva Bachta was considered a skillful flower painter who was also based and active in Koblenz.


  • "Götz von Berlichingen and Brother Martin", after Goethe.
  • “Portrait of a Young Man”, 1827; Oil on canvas, 40.5 × 31.2 cm (art trade)
  • “Portrait of the jeweler Paul Sauer”, “Portrait of Margaretha Sauer”: Auction 143, Engel Kunstauktionen, Koblenz, November 28, 2015, No. 390, 391 (hammer price: 400 euros each).
  • Christ and four apostles: five altar panels; Oil painting over gold ground on oak wood; formerly Weißenthurm parish church (image: website of the Weißenthurm history association).


  • Johann Josef Scotti : The Düsseldorf painter school, or art academy in the years 1834, 1835 and 1836 (...) . JHC Schreiner, Düsseldorf 1837, p. 110: 6. Jac. Bachta, from Koblenz. Your own portrait, 31. Composition from the story of Tobias (Carton), 31.
  • Hermann Püttmann : The Düsseldorf School of Painting (...) . Otto Wiegand, Leipzig 1839, p. 234: J. Bachta: Eigenes Bildniß. 31.
  • Address book of the city of Coblenz per 1852 , p. 95: Bachta, Johann, Maler; Bachta, Jakob, painter: s. Plan - (old no.) 18; dto, 1863: Bachta, Eva, painter Altenhof 3; dto. 1868: Bachta, Eva, painter Entenpfuhl 4.
  • Wilhelm Füssli : The most important cities on the Middle and Lower Rhine in the German area with reference to old and new works of architecture, sculpture, painting, (...) . Verlag des literar Comptoirs, Zurich and Winterthur 1849, p. 234: Jakob Bachta.
  • Hans Vollmer : Bachta, Jakob . In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 2 : Antonio da Monza-Bassan . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1908, p. 320 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Elisabeth Heitger: The Koblenz painters and their works in the first half of the 19th century. A contribution to the cultural and art history of the Rhineland in the late 18th and first half of the 19th century . Dissertation Bonn 1978, Koblenz 1982, p. 348.
  • Bachta, Jakob , in: Hans Paffrath / Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf (Hrsg.): Lexicon of the Düsseldorf School of Painting . Volume 1, F. Bruckmann, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-7654-3009-9 , appendix, p. 438.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Finding aid 212.01.04 Student lists of the Düsseldorf Art Academy website in the portal archive.nrw.de (State Archive North Rhine-Westphalia): 411/412: Bachta, Peter [sic!] 1830/31 or 1830: Upper class of performing artists: from Koblenz , Talent: good; Diligence great; Behave: exemplary
  2. ^ Peter Cornelius went to Munich in 1824; Whether Jakob Bachta - like many "Düsseldorfer" - was involved in the execution of the frescoes designed by Cornelius in Munich is not known
  3. ^ Johann Josef Scotti : The Düsseldorf painter school, or art academy in the years 1834, 1835 and 1836 (...) . JHC Schreiner, Düsseldorf 1837, p. 110: 6. Jac. Bachta, from Koblenz. Your own portrait, 31. Composition from the story of Tobias (Carton), 31.
  4. ^ Hermann Püttmann : Die Düsseldorfer Malerschule (...) . Otto Wiegand, Leipzig 1839, p. 234: J. Bachta: Eigenes Bildniß. 31.
  5. ↑ The fact that he showed the executed painting in 1838 at the Berlin Academy exhibition cannot be proven, as it was not listed in the catalog of the 1838 exhibition
  6. a b Wilhelm Füssli : The most important cities on the Middle and Lower Rhine in the German area with reference to old and new works of architecture, sculpture, painting, (...) . Verlag des literar Comptoirs, Zurich and Winterthur 1849, p. 234: Jakob Bachta.
  7. Wolfgang Scheffler: Goldsmiths Rhineland-Westphalia (...). First half-volume from Aachen to Cologne. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1973, p. 363: Paul Sauer (* 1817), gold worker in Koblenz, married to Margaretha Sauer in 1847