James Paul Wesley

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James Paul Wesley (born July 28, 1921 in St. Louis , Missouri , † January 20, 2007 in Germany ) was an American physicist .

life and work

His parents were the historian Professor Dr. Edgar Bruce Wesley and Nanny Fay Medford. After graduating from Washborn High School in Minneapolis , he continued his education at various universities and received his doctorate in 1952 at the University of California in Los Angeles .

He wrote numerous books. Some of them came about as part of his teaching activities and his collaboration on research assignments at NASA . Many of them are now considered basic literature for physics students.

Since 1974 Paul Wesley lived in the Federal Republic of Germany. After spending seven years in Berlin, he came to Blumberg with his wife and 3 children via a stopover in Lenzkirch .

Here he continued to deal with fundamental physics, mathematics, quantum theory, geophysics and also space research, participated in books and wrote around 100 specialist articles.

In addition to scientific work, James Paul Wesley has dedicated himself to painting. Over the years, he has created more than 350 oil paintings on a wide variety of topics, including pictures of women and children and self-portraits. As part of the tenth and twelfth Blumberg art exhibition, his works were on view for the first time.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary for James Paul Wesley in: naturalphilosophy.org (PDF; 520 kB)