Jan Erazim Vocel

Jan Erazim Vocel (born August 23, 1803 in Kuttenberg , † September 16, 1871 in Prague ) was a Czech poet, prehistorian , historian and national revivalist .
Vocel came from a family of an employee, studied philosophy at the Piarist high school in Prague from the age of 14 and law in Vienna from 1824.
He improved his scarce financial means as a teacher in the family of Count Eugen Karl Czernin von und zu Chudenitz and other noble houses such as the Pallavicini , Leopold Sternberg , Salm-Salm and Harrach . During this time, on the one hand, he deepened his linguistic knowledge, on the other hand, he also acquired deeper scientific knowledge in mathematics, mineralogy and natural science through his teaching. He spoke French, Italian, English, Dutch and Danish. At the same time he learned social manners in these families and traveled to Europe. But he also got to know historical art treasures in their houses, which aroused his further interest in history. In this environment he initially adopted a conservative attitude towards the radical democracy of his time.
After his return to Prague in 1843 he played a key role in founding the Archaeological College. He represented more and more thoughts of the Bohemian patriots and was in circles around Palacký and Šafařík . In 1848 he took part in the political disputes on the side of the patriots and became a member of the National Council. He campaigned for equal rights for the Czech and German languages, was elected a member of parliament and later a member of the Reichsrat.
In 1850 he was appointed the first associate professor of archeology and art history at Charles University in Prague .
He is buried in the Olšany Cemetery in Prague.
His interests were above all the history of the Middle Ages, archeology. Archeology used a new method of chemical analysis of objects made of bronze and to determine their age. In addition to numerous works, some of which he wrote as a high school student, and scientific articles, he also founded the journal Památky archeolické (Archaeological Monuments). His main work was his two-volume book Pravěk země české (Prehistory of the Country of Bohemia) (1866, 1868).
- Krvočíše (Solemn Romance with Charles IV) (1821)
- Harfa (tragedy) (1821)
- Hlatipisec - Philosophical treatise on the reign of Rudolf II.
- Česká kronika, 1834
- Přemyslovci, 1838
- Slovo o čes. národnosti, 1845
- Budoucnost čes. národnosti, 1847
- Úlohy naše, 1848
- O zvelebení středních škol, 1849
- Naše doba, 1849
- Škola a lid, 1849
- Naše minulé buoy, 1849
- O starožitnostech českých ao potřebě chrániti je před zkázou, 1845
- Romanské kostely v Záboří a ve Sv. Jakubě, 1846/47
- Památky Lutických Slovanů, 1849
- O nejdávnějších obyvatelích země České (1850)
- Vyvinování křesťanského umění (1852)
- Mince celtické v Čechách (1850)
- Byzantinský krucifix nalezený v rumech kláštera Ostrovského
- Kostely román. slohu v Čechách
- Význam starožitných bronzů
- Chrám sv. Barbory v Kutné Hoře (published in German in Heiders Mittelalterl. Kunstdenkmale aus Oesterreich)
- Miniatury čes. XVI. proud
- Kamenné pomníky pohanských věků
- Byzantinské kříže u Opočnic nalezené
- Miniatury passionalu abatyše Kunhuty
- Kostel sv. Jiljí v Milevsku
- Ostatky chrámu býv. kláštera Hradiště nad Jizerou
- Kostel býv. opatství na Karlově v Praze
- O hradištích a branách zemských
- O významu starožitností z kame a bronzu pro nejdávnější národopis Slovanů (also in "Abhandl. Dk Böhm. Ges.", 1859)
- O Velislavově obrázkové bibli XIII. v. v Lobkovické knihovně (Abhandl. dk Böhm. Ges., 1871)
- Pravěk země české (1866, 1868), Vocel's life's work,
- Aesthetický rozbor básní RK .: Záboj a Jaroslav (1854)
- Básně pana Smila z Pardubic (1855)
German-language publications
Vocel published numerous scientific articles in the archive for Gesch. and Statistics , Moravia , Augsburger General. Newspaper.
- The Last Orebit (1832), a novella about Taborites and the South Slav struggle for freedom
- The Maltese or the Way Back of Life (1832)
- Buchlau Castle (1832)
- The Krystallograf (1834)
- The Alchemist (1838)
- the equation
- King Azotes
- The Magician (1832) - comedy
- The tragedy (1833)
- The Prince of the Sea (1834) - romantic poem
- Enlightenment about the western slaves (1840)
- Enlightenment about Czechomania (1840)
- The Slavs and their Relationship to Germany (1841)
- The denationalization of the Slavs (1841)
- Czechophobia (1845)
- Prague letters (1846)
- Basics of boehm. Antiquity
- The mural of the legend of St. George in Neuhaus Castle
- The church of the former Cistercian nunnery Porta Coeli zu Tišnovic (1859)
- Miniatures from Bohemia (1860)
- Monuments of Mühlhausen (1360)
- Archaeological parallels (Conference of the Imperial Academy, 1853 a 1854)
- Constantin von Wurzbach : Wocel, Johann Erasmus . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 57th part. Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1889, pp. 187–197 ( digitized version ).
- Karel Šmídek: Jan Erazim Vocel co básník. In: Osvěta. Ročník 5, Díl 1, 1875, pp. 196–207 , 286–293 , 357–373 , 430–443 .
- Karel Šmídek: Upomínka na publicistickou činnost Jana Eaz Vocela. In: Časopis Matice Moravské . Ročník 8, 1876, pp. 76–117 .
- Jaroslav Vlček : Několik kapitolek z dějin naši poesie (= Literární knihovna. 2). Bursík & Kohout, Prague 1898.
- Jaroslav Vrchlický : Vocel básník. In: Památky Archeologické a Místopisné. Vol. 30, 1902/1903, pp. 306-316.
- Karel Sklenář: Jan Erazim Vocel. Zakladatel české archeologie (= Odkazy pokrokových osobností naší minulosti. 61, ZDB -ID 1147274-1 ). Melantrich, Prague 1981.
Web links
- Literature and other media by and about Jan Erazim Vocel in the catalog of the National Library of the Czech Republic
personal data | |
SURNAME | Vocel, Jan Erazim |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Czech poet, prehistorian and historian |
DATE OF BIRTH | August 23, 1803 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Kuttenberg |
DATE OF DEATH | September 16, 1871 |
Place of death | Prague |