Jan Felix Frenkel

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Jan Felix Frenkel (* 1975 in Halle ) is a German actor who also works as a cultural organizer.


Frenkel grew up in Halle an der Saale and attended the Pforta state school until he graduated from high school . After studying speech science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg , he first worked at the Halle Opera House . As an actor, he is mainly engaged in the independent theater Varomodi and Halle's cultural shipping company. Since 2007 he has been organizing the annual cabaret festivals Eisbrechertage and Hallesche Kulturreederei for the Halle Kulturreederei together with Martin Kreusch .

Frenkel worked with and under Anna Siegmund-Schultze as well as Simon van Parys and Volker Dietzel , among others . With Alexander Terhorst and Martin Kreusch he developed the improvised theater format 240warm . Jan Felix Frenkel has also appeared in various summer theater productions at the Harz Mountain Theater since 2003 . Frenkel has been organizing the German Knack World Championship in Halle an der Saale since 2010 .

Theater roles (selection)

  • 2002: Fümms bö wö - I'm sorry for the nonsense - Kurt Schwitters / role: Announcer Schmidt
  • 2004: Ritter Runkel and the Digedags - Martin Verges based on Hannes Hegen / role: slave driver
  • 2004: The order - Heiner Müller / role: man with gray hair
  • 2006: The Cinderella - FK Waechter / Rolle: Tassel
  • 2007: The heroic deeds of Herakles - Anna Siegmund-Schultze / role: Tassel
  • 2009: The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas / Role: Athos
  • 2009: 240warm / reel: Frank "Stangl" Lange
  • 2009: Poland is not lost yet - Jürgen Hofmann / role: group leader Ehrhardt
  • 2010: The Nibelungs - Anna Siegmund-Schultze / role: Hagen von Tronje
  • 2010: A MURDER not only for DESSERT - Brian Lausund / role: Paolo Sinistre / crime dinner
  • 2010: Schiller's complete works - Michael Ehnert / role: Jan
  • 2011: The robber Hotzenplotz - Otfried Preußler / role: Wachtmeister Dimpfelmoser
  • 2011: Der Schad am Silbersee - Brian Lausund / role: chief / western dinner
  • 2012: The Phantom of Folk Music - Anna Siegmund-Schultze / role: Anton