Michael Ehnert

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Michael Ehnert, 2017

Michael Ehnert (born December 21, 1967 in Hamburg ) is a cabaret artist , author , actor and director .


From 1990 to 2004 Michael Ehnert and Kristian Bader were on the road as Bader-Ehnert-Kommando. During this time five cabaret programs were created and in 1997 they received the German Cabaret Prize .

In 2009, Ehnert performed the theater comedy written by Ehnert together with Kristian Bader, Hilmi Sözer and Jan Christof Scheibe: "Schiller's Complete Works - Slightly Abridged", in which they staged a medley from the plays by Friedrich Schiller . In 2015 he and the same team (without Sözer) performed the revue "Goethe's Complete Works - Slightly Abridged", based on the same model.

Ehnert also worked as a director for the Kom (m) ödchen and the Lach- und Schießgesellschaft and was an actor in various television films and series of public and private television stations, including Joseph Vilsmaier's ZDF film "The Last Journey of Wilhelm Gustloff" and the crime series A case for two , the clever ones or Tatort .

In 2004 Michael Ehnert's first solo program "Mein Leben" was created, which was awarded the Prix ​​Pantheon and the German Cabaret Prize. The programs "HeldenWinter" (also known as "Lost Action Hero") and "Das Tier in mir - Deutschland primat" followed.

In his solo performances, Ehnert combines the theater with cabaret. B. parodies scenes and characters from well-known Hollywood films and uses them for socio-critical as well as autobiographical and philosophical considerations. The permanent feature of the productions is the complete renouncement of costumes, sets or props .

Michael Ehnert is married to actress Jennifer Maria Ehnert , with whom he also presented a joint stage program for the first time in 2011: "Kiss Slowly". Since 2015 they have been on the road with their second program "Zweikampfhasen". He currently lives in Hamburg .

Jennifer and Michael Ehnert, duels 2017


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Film & Fernsehen" list on the artist's biography website
  2. ^ Biography on the artist's website
  3. 3satfestival 2010, Michael Ehnert: "Lost Action Hero"
  4. ^ Family members of Michael Ehnert