Jana Dittmann

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Jana Dittmann (* 1970 ) is a German computer scientist and head of the Advanced Multimedia and Security (AMSL) working group at the Faculty of Computer Science at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg .


Jana Dittmann studied business informatics at the TH Darmstadt . In 1999 she did her doctorate with a dissertation on "Security in media flows: digital watermarks " with Ralf Steinmetz at the Technical University of Darmstadt . From December 1996 she worked as a research assistant at the Darmstadt Institute for Integrated Publication and Information Systems (IPSI) of the GMD Research Center for Information Technology in the field of "Mobile Interactive Media". In addition to her work at the GMD-IPSI, she lectured at the universities of applied sciences in Darmstadt and Köthenas well as the TU Darmstadt in the areas of multimedia and security, data protection and electronic commerce . In September 2002, she received the call to the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg , where she has since the Working Group Advanced Multimedia and Security forwards (AMSL).

Her research activities specialize in multimedia-specific aspects of security from the technical and information processing dimension as well as from user perception, user interaction and the legal perspective. In media security, she and her working group develop new algorithms with a focus on digital watermarks for copyright protection and content-based signatures for data authentication and implement them in applications.

So she devoted herself z. B. as a joint coordinator in the BMBF- funded “Digi-Dak” project to research pattern recognition techniques for fingerprints, which are recorded by means of non-contact optical 3D surface sensor technology. The general aim was to improve / support criminal forensics ( dactyloscopy ).

For the automotive industry , Dittmann examined the threat potential of IT-based attacks on cars and warned in 2008 of “ spammers ”, “data spies” and “vandals” who are targeting the car. This not only jeopardizes the safety of individual cars but of all road traffic. Since 2014 she has been researching in the “Sec4Cars” project on the subject of IT security in the automotive environment with a focus on concepts against automotive threats, IT forensics for automotive systems and human factors in IT security research in the automotive environment.

Monographs (selection)


Since assuming her professorship from 2002 to 2017, more than 300 journal, book and conference articles have been published that were written by Jana Dittmann as part of her academic work or in which she was significantly involved.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Herbert Fiedler et al .: Excellent computer science dissertations 1999 . Springer S. 51 ISBN 9783322848239 ( limited preview )
  2. Christopher Schrader: Fingerprints are more than just grooves . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . April 13, 2012
  3. Christof Vieweg: Tacho-Mafia dominates the used car market . In: The world . April 10, 2011
  4. Tobias Hoppe, Stefan Kiltz, Jana Dittmann: Automotive IT-Security as a Challenge: Basic Attacks from the Black Box Perspective on the Example of Privacy Threats . In: Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security . Springer 2008 p. 145ff ISBN 978-3-642-04468-7 ( limited preview )
  5. Tobias Hoppe, Stefan Kiltz, Jana Dittmann: Adaptive Dynamic Reaction to Automotive IT Security Incidents Using Multimedia Car Environment . 2008 doi : 10.1109 / IAS.2008.45
  6. Robert Altschaffel, Sven Kuhlmann, Jana Dittmann, Tobias Hoppe: Organic principles to counter malware in automotive environments . 2015
  7. Simulation of automotive security threat warnings to analyze driver interpretations and emotional transitions . In: Floor Koornneef, Coen van Gulijk (Ed.): Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security Springer 2015 p. 45ff ISBN 978-3-319-24255-2 ( limited preview )
  8. Publications by and with Jana Dittmann since 2002