Japanese angelfish

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Japanese angelfish
Centropyge interruptus.jpg

Japanese angelfish ( Centropyge interruptus )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Surgeonfish (Acanthuriformes)
Family : Angelfish (Pomacanthidae)
Genre : Centropyge
Type : Japanese angelfish
Scientific name
Centropyge interruptus
Tanaka , 1918

The Japanese angelfish ( Centropyge interruptus ) lives on rocky and coral reefs in central and southern Japan down to a depth of 60 meters. Its distribution area extends from Tokyo to Shikoku Island , and is particularly common on the Izu Peninsula , the Izu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands . Occasionally it is also said to occur on the Midway Islands and the Kure Atoll near Hawaii. Among other things, it feeds on the excretions of reef and anthias .


The Japanese pygmy angelfish is one of the largest species of pygmy angelfish with a maximum length of 15 to 18 centimeters . It is orange and blue in color, the caudal fin is yellow. The species is one of the few pygmy angelfish with a clear sexual dimorphism . The male has blue lines on the gill cover and looks light blue from a distance, the soft-radiating parts of the dorsal and anal fin are speckled blue and black. The gill cover of the females is speckled blue and looks orange from a distance, the dorsal and anal fins are uniformly blue.

Fin formula : dorsal XIIII / 16, anal III / 17


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