Jared Carter

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Jared Carter, 2015

Jared Carter (born January 10, 1939 in Elwood , Indiana ) is an American poet and editor.


Jared Carter was born in Elwood in 1939. He studied at Yale University and Goddard College. After completing his military service and traveling abroad, he settled in the capital of Indiana, Indianapolis , in 1969 and lives there to this day. Carter worked for many years as an editor and book designer , first for the Bobbs-Merrill Company and later as an employee of the Hackett Publishing Company.


Carter writes free verse as well as poetry in the sense of the New Formalism . Many of his early writings take place in an imaginary place called "Mississinewa County", which is said to be on the actual Mississinewa River, a tributary of the Wabash River . With the spread of the Internet, Carter has increasingly published his work online.


Verse form : Iambic four levers with cross rhyme , partly with assonances (available online at The New Formalist )


What is did call ing on the wind
did nev it Seems a mo ment silent ?
That moves in dark ness like a hand
of one y began ers ta ken chill ?

What is it see king when it flows
a bout my head , and seems to wrest
All mo tion from my heart , as though
I still had some thing to con fess ?

How can it be it knows my crime ,
this troub led whis tling in the air ?
'Tis true , I left her long be hind ,
but this is dark , and she was fair .


  • 1980 Walt Whitman Award - from the Academy of American Poets for his anthology work, for the Night Is Coming
  • 1982 Guggenheim scholarship
  • 1985 Arts Award - from the Governor of Indiana
  • 1994 Poets' Prize - from West Chester University of Pennsylvania for the anthology After the Rain



  • Deines, Timothy J., The Gleaning: Regionalism, Form, and Theme in the Poetry of Jared Carter. Master's thesis, Cleveland State University, 1998.
  • "Jared Carter." Contemporary Authors . Volume 145, pages 75-76. Detroit: Gale Research, 1995.
  • Ponick, TL, and Ponick, FS "Jared Carter." Dictionary of Literary Biography . Volume 282, pages 31-40. Detroit: Gale Research, 2003.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Guggenheim Fellowship
  2. ^ Indiana Arts Commission - Governor's Arts Awards - Past Winners

Web links