Jaroslav Vožniak

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Jaroslav Vožniak

Jaroslav Vožniak (born April 26, 1933 in Suchodol ; † May 12, 2005 in Prague-Zbraslav ) was a Czech painter , sculptor and graphic artist . He was considered one of the most important representatives of Czech Pop Art .


Vožniak, a trained lithographer , studied from 1951 to 1959 at the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design (VŠUP) in Prague under Karel Svolinský and from 1954 to 1959 at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts (AVU) under Vladimír Silovský . Together with Bedřich Dlouhý , Jan Koblasa and Karel Nepraš he founded the artist group “ Šmidrové ”.

In the Czech Museum of Fine Arts in Prague (ČMVU) several of his works are on display.


  • J. Tomeš, A. Léblová (Eds.): Československý biografický slovník . Inst. ČSAV Academia, Prague 1992, ISBN 80-200-0443-2

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