Jean-Baptiste Payer

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Jean-Baptiste Payer (born February 3, 1818 in Asfeld , † September 5, 1860 in Paris ) was a French doctor , geologist and botanist of the 19th century. Its botanical author abbreviation is " Payer ".


Payer first studied law , then he turned to the natural sciences . In 1840 he became professor of geology and mineralogy in Rennes , in 1844 he took over the chair of botany at the École normal supérieure in Paris . In 1852 he received a doctorate in medicine from the University of Paris; in the same year he was appointed professor of the organography of plants. In 1854 he was accepted as a member of the French Academy of Sciences .


  • De la Famille des Malvacées . 1852. Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf
  • Traité d'organogénie végétale comparée de la fleur (Paris, 1854–59, 2 vol. In-8, pl.).
  • Éléments de botanique (Paris, 1857, in-12, fig.)
  • Leçons sur les familles naturelles des plantes, 1re partie (Paris, 1872, in-12)
  • Botanique cryptogamique, ou Histoire des familles naturelles des plantes infrieures (Paris, 1850, gr. In-8, fig .; 2e éd. Par Baillon, Paris, 1860, gr. In-8, fig. Available online )

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