Jean-Baptiste Romé de L'Isle

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Jean-Baptiste Louis Romé de L'Isle (born August 26, 1736 in Gray (Haute-Saône) , † March 7, 1790 in Paris ) was a French mineralogist and is considered one of the founders of crystallography .


Statue of Romé de L'Isle at the Gray Town Hall

Jean-Baptiste Romé de L'Isle was an officer in a French artillery regiment during the Third Carnatic War and was captured by British troops during the conquest of Pondicherry in 1761 . He spent the years of his imprisonment in Tranquebar and China and did not return to France until 1764. The impressions of his time in India and China as well as his earlier trips aroused his interest in nature, especially the geosciences . Working with the French chemist and mineralogist Balthazar Georges Sage (1740-1824), his interests shifted mainly to mineralogy.


Driven by the classification of living things by Carl Linnaeus tried Romé de L'Isle to transfer this to the inanimate, and created the first system of crystals by salt crystals , rock crystals , gravel crystals and Erzkristalle different. Based on the discovery of the law of constancy of angles on quartz crystals by Nicolaus Steno , Romé de L'Isle began, after constructing a suitable goniometer , with systematic investigations on further crystals or minerals . He described numerous previously unknown or poorly defined minerals. When he published his results, he was the first to use the term “crystallography”, which to this day describes the science of crystals. His work also laid the foundation for the work of René-Just Haüy , who developed the law of symmetry and the law of decrescence , the forerunner of the law of rationality , in crystallography.


In 1775 he was elected a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . In 1780 he was accepted as an external member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences .


  • Essai de cristallographie . 1772
  • Déscription methodique des minéraux d'une collection de minéraux du cabinet de MDRDL . 1773
  • Crystallography . 1777
  • L'action du feu central banni de la surface du globe . 1779
  • L'action du feu central démontrée nulle à la surface . 1781
  • Cristallography, or Déscription des formes propres à tous les corps du règne minéral . 1783
  • Des caractères extérieurs des minéraux . 1784
  • Observations on the reports qui paroissent exist entre la mine dite cristeaux d'etain et les cristeaux de fer octaedres. 1786
  • Metrology, ou tables pour servir à l'intelligence des poids et des mesures des anciens . 1789


  • KH Wiederkehr: From early ideas to a regular shape of the smallest particles of matter to Delisle and Bergman's preparatory work for Haüy's crystal structure theory. In: Centaurus . Vol. 21, No. 1, 1977, p. 27.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member entry of Jean Baptiste Louis Romé de l'Isle at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 12, 2015.
  2. ^ Members of the previous academies. Jean-Baptiste Louis Romé de L'Isle. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences , accessed on June 5, 2015 .