Jean-Charles François

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Jean-Charles François (born May 4, 1717 in Nancy , † March 22, 1769 in Paris ) was a French engraver and etcher .

François was a student of the painter Claude Charles in Nancy, but learned copper engraving largely self-taught . As a 16-year-old he got a big order to engrave tableware, for which he went to Dijon . He then lived in Lyon , where he stayed for seven years and made the first attempts at his new method of "imitating the grainy lines of chalk or red pencil drawings with etched dots" . In 1740 he published the Principes de dessein facilesin which he presented this technique. In Paris, he continued these experiments and in 1757 he scored the first attempts, chalk and pencil drawings down exactly mimic, called crayon manner .

He submitted six sheets of paper engraved in this technique to the Académie Royale , which earned him a royal pension of 600 livres . In 1758 he received the title of engraver des dessein du Cabinet du Roi .

This process makes François particularly important for French graphics. "His merit is to have made the dotting technique of copper engraving easier to use practically and artistically by combining it with the etching technique" .

This procedure was later improved by Gilles Demarteau and Louis-Marin Bonnet .

In addition to numerous individual sheets, François also created the engravings for a number of panels, including a. for Emmanuel Hérés Recueil Des Plans Elevations ... Chateaux Jardins, Et Dependances Que Le Roy De Pologne occupe en Lorraine ... and the work Antiques du Cabinet de Mr. Adam .

François was the husband of the painter Marie Catherin François .


  1. ^ A b Paul Kristeller: Copper engraving and woodcut in four centuries . 4th, through Berlin: Cassirer, 1922.


  • Emmanuel Héré : Recueil Des Plans Elevations Et Coupes Tant Geometrales qu'en Perspective Des Chateaux Jardins, Et Dependances Que Le Roy De Pologne occupe en Lorraine: y compris les Batimens qu'il a Fait elever, Ainsi que les changemens considerables Les decorations & autres enrichissemens qu'il a fait faire a ceux qui etoient deja Construite / Par M. Heré Son Premier Architecte . Paris: François Graveur ord. de Sa Majesté, 17XX (no year). Microfilm edition Urbana, Ill .: The Cicognara Program, Undergraduate Library, Univ. of Illinois.
  • Gérard Voreaux: Les peintres lorrains du dix-huitième siècle . Nancy: Soc. Thierry Alix, Archives de Meurthe-et-Moselle 1998.
  • General Artist Lexicon Volume XLIII, 2004, page 526