Oscar Gué

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Self portrait
Battle of Anghiari

Jean-Marie Oscar Gué (born September 28, 1809 in Bordeaux ; † October 2, 1877 there ) was a French genre and history painter.


Oscar Gué was a student of Jean Alaux and his uncle Julien Michel Gué (1789–1843).

At the beginning of his career he often visited Rome , where he painted numerous vedutas, and worked with Jean Alaux for the Palace of Versailles .

He settled in Bordeaux in 1848, became director of the Bordeaux municipal art school and curator of the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Bordeaux. Gué became an employee of the " Gazette des Beaux-Arts ". From 1833 to 1837 he showed Roman vedutas in the Paris Salon, and then until 1859 religious and historical pictures and genre scenes.

His students included u. a. Edmond Louis Dupain and Louis Tauzin .


Web links

Commons : Oscar Gué  - collection of images, videos and audio files