Jean-Yves Le Mener

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Jean-Yves Le Mener (born January 23, 1952 in France ) is a French businessman who worked as a cameraman until the turn of the millennium .


Le Mener received his technical training at the École Louis-Lumière in 1973 and then went to television. Here and for the cinema, he initially worked as a camera assistant on productions such as “Horoskop mit Obstacles” (1978), “Gianten der Landstrasse” (1979), Claude Lelouch's Everyone will receive their wages… (1980) and “Edith and Marcel “ (1982) by the same director. It was also Lelouch who gave Le Mener the opportunity in 1985 to work for the first time as head cameraman on “ A Man and a Woman - 20 Years Later ”.

Le Mener was also behind the camera in Lelouch's follow-up work, but was soon hired by other notable directors such as Philippe de Broca , Guy Hamilton and Georges Lautner . He ended his active work as a picture designer in 1998 and began to turn to new tasks at the turn of the millennium. In 2006, Le Mener was appointed managing director of the Neuilly-based real estate company Sci Sloan.


  • 1985: A man and a woman - 20 years later (Un homme et une femme: 20 ans déjà)
  • 1987: The time of crime (Attention bandits!)
  • 1987: Les deux crocodiles
  • 1988: The Lion (Itinéraire d'un enfant gâté)
  • 1989: Five days in June (Cinq jours en juin)
  • 1989: Do not trust any rogue (Try This One for Size)
  • 1990: Mixed doubles (Les clés du paradis)
  • 1990: So are the days and the moon (Il ya des jours… et des lunes)
  • 1990: Operation Corned Beef (L'Opération Corned-Beef)
  • 1991: love game for millions ( Road to Ruin )
  • 1991: The most beautiful story in the world (La belle histoire)
  • 1992: The Eerie House (L'inconnu dans la maison)
  • 1992: Fanfan & Alexandre
  • 1993: The visitors (Les visiteurs)
  • 1994: The Guardian Angels (Les Anges gardiens)
  • 1995: nine months (Neuf mois)
  • 1995: Lumière et compagnie
  • 1996: Le plus beau métier du monde
  • 1998: Ça reste entre nous

Individual evidence

  1. Le Mener on dirigeants.bfmtv
  2. Le Mener on dirigeants.bfmtv

Web links