Jean Itard (mathematician)

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Jean Itard (born June 16, 1902 in Serrières , Ardèche, † May 8, 1979 in Paris ) was a French mathematician.

Itard studied at the École Normale des Instituteurs and the University of Marseille (graduated in mathematics in 1924) and was then a teacher at the Lyceum of Alençon and from 1928 in Marseille. Later he was a high school teacher in Paris. In 1962 he retired. Itard also lectured on Greek mathematics at the École pratique des hautes études and was an active trade unionist, giving mathematics lectures at union schools.

With Pierre Dedron he wrote the book "Mathematiques et mathematiciens" (Paris 1959, 1982), wrote the volume Arithmetic and Number Theory in the "Que-sais-je?" Series and in 1962 he published a French translation of Euclid's arithmetic books . He wrote numerous mathematicians biographies for the Dictionary of Scientific Biography (including on Joseph-Louis Lagrange ), a Fermat (Birkhäuser 1950, 1979) biography and contributed to the Histoire Générale des Sciences by René Taton .


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