Jens Petermann

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Jens Petermann, member of the German Bundestag and legal policy spokesman for the parliamentary group Die Linke in the 17th electoral term
Jens Petermann as parliamentary observer and mediator at the anti-nuclear demonstration in Gorleben 2011.
Petermann at the Constitutional Court (second judge from left), far right Manfred Aschke , right next to Walter Bayer , right next to Hartmut Schwan

Jens Petermann (born July 16, 1963 in Arnstadt ) is a German lawyer and politician ( Die Linke ). From 2009 to 2013 he was a member of the German Bundestag . He is currently a judge at the Thuringian Constitutional Court .


From 1970 to 1978 Jens Petermann visited the POS "Otto Grotewohl" in Stadtilm . From 1978 to 1982 he went to EOS “Dr. Theodor Neubauer ”in Arnstadt and passed the Abitur. He did his military service from 1982 to 1985 with the guard regiment "Feliks Dzierzynski" . From 1985 to 1989 he studied law at the Humboldt University in Berlin , graduating with a degree in law and passing the state examination in law. During his student days he joined in 1986 the SED in and remained a party member until the turn of the 1990th

In September 1989 he was appointed assistant judge and, at the age of 26, was elected as the youngest judge in the Arnstadt district court. There he worked on family, criminal, labor and civil law matters. Petermann qualified in particular in labor law. In 1991 he came to the Gotha District Court and from 1993 worked at the Gotha, Eisenach and Nordhausen labor courts.

There he was involved in countless lawsuits from employees who were pending in the liquidation of state-owned companies or in the conversion of state-owned to private companies. Jens Petermann had complaints about mass layoffs as well as individual complaints from employees because of different claims from the employment relationship. Jens Petermann was able to experience the establishment of an independent judiciary up close and later actively help shape it. From the mid-1990s, Petermann was involved in various judges' associations in Thuringia. From 2002 to 2008 he was chairman of the Association of Labor Judges of Thuringia (VAT) and state spokesman for the New Judges' Association for Thuringia. Petermann was for many years a member of the main judges 'council of the Thuringian labor courts and the joint committee of the Thuringian main judges' councils.

In 2006 he became a judge at the social court in Gotha - the largest social court in Thuringia and in 2008 permanent representative of the director. As a social judge, Jens Petermann mostly processed complaints that were in the context of Hartz IV legislation. He dealt intensively with the problem and, like many other social judges, came to the realization that there was legislation that had to be questioned.

In May 2015, a chamber of the Social Court in Gotha, with Petermann as chairman, issued an order for reference to the Federal Constitutional Court, in which the legal opinion is represented that the sanction norms §§ 31-31b SGB II are incompatible with the Basic Law.

In September 2015, Petermann was elected a member of the Thuringian Constitutional Court by the Thuringian state parliament with the necessary two-thirds majority at the suggestion of his party . It is an honorary position. In December 2017, following an application by the AfD, he was declared biased by the Constitutional Court in proceedings on the right to vote for young people and is no longer allowed to participate in this.

Parliamentary work

In the 2009 Bundestag election he won the direct mandate of the Bundestag constituency Suhl - Schmalkalden-Meiningen - Hildburghausen (197) with 32.2 percent and became a member of the German Bundestag . He ran for the Left Party , which he only joined in December 2010.

In the 17th electoral term of the German Bundestag, he was the legal policy spokesman and chairman of the left parliamentary group in the legal committee. He was also a member of the sports committee, the judges' selection committee and a deputy member of the 1st parliamentary investigation committee in Gorleben, the 2nd parliamentary investigation committee NSU and the committee for the environment, nature conservation and reactor safety.

Jens Petermann has been a member of the Arnstadt City Council since May 2009 and a member of the Ilm District Council since 2012.

In November 2010, in collaboration with the Labor Law Discussion Group of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, he published a discussion draft for a law regulating minimum conditions in employment - the Employment Contract Act. This draft summarizes the applicable individual labor law and tries to make it fairer and more social from the point of view of the employees. The formulated minimum conditions are u. a. a statutory minimum wage of ten euros per hour, a reduction in weekly working hours, a ban on temporary work, improvements in the compatibility of family and work and the limitation of time limits.

In January 2013, Jens Petermann was unanimously re-elected direct candidate for the Bundestag election by the regional associations of the party Die Linke von Schmalkalden-Meiningen, Hildburghausen and the city of Suhl. In the federal election on September 22, 2013 , he received 27.3% of the first votes and thus the best first vote result of all Thuringian candidates of the Left Party. In the constituency of 197, however, he was defeated by the CDU candidate Mark Hauptmann and thus left the Bundestag.

Web links

Commons : Jens Petermann  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kürschner's People's Handbook, 17th electoral period, 124th edition, as of June 10, 2012.
  2. a b c DIE LINKE parliamentary group in the Bundestag: Profile. Retrieved July 19, 2020 .
  3. a b c d Richter from Arnstadt: Jens Petermann . German Bundestag, Paths to Politics , February 28, 2013. Retrieved November 16, 2017
  4. a b c Petermann's website ( Memento from August 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ SG Gotha, decision of May 26, 2015 - S 15 AS 5157/14
  6. ^ Volkhard Paczulla: Thuringian Landtag in Erfurt: AfD leaves the plenary hall in frustration. Ostthüringer Zeitung, September 11, 2015, accessed on September 11, 2015 .
  7. Facebook entries cast doubt on judicial impartiality , article on LTO-online from December 8, 2017.
  8. Draft for a law regulating the minimum conditions in the employment relationship - Employment Contract Act. Petermann, Hultsch, Schmidt. Berlin 2010. Druck & Verlag Ronald Hande Verlag. Benshausen