Jens Winter

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Jens Winter

Jens Winter (born May 26, 1965 ) is a German film and theater actor of British descent. He has lived in Berlin since 1987 and works as an actor in German and English-speaking countries.


His work includes film and television productions in Germany and individual projects in Ireland and the USA. In 2008 the science fiction film Summer Of The Flying Saucer by Irish director Martin Duffy was shown in competition at the LUCAS Film Festival Frankfurt / Main, Jonah And The Vicarious Nature Of Homesickness is the winner of the Berlin Today Award 2010 at the Berlinale. Jens Winter has been an opponent for the Generation section of the Berlinale since 2001.


  • 1995–1998 acting training and ZBF exam at the acting school in Charlottenburg
  • 2002 masterclass in film acting at the German Actors and Media Academy DSA Berlin
  • 2004 International Film Actors Training - The Studio, Los Angeles

movie theater

Film and television (selection)

Theater and dance

In stage productions, Jens Winter works primarily with movement choreography and seeks the organic connection between drama and dance.

Before his acting training, he learned the basic techniques of Butoh dance for four years with the Japanese choreographers Yumiko Yoshioka and Minako Seki and played in four of their Berlin productions ( The Last Wedding / The Last Supper / Die Reise nach China im Traum / Night On A Bare Mountain ).

With the Austrian director Ingrid Hammer he played in the drama-dance-night dream evenings "REM Phase 3" and "REM Phase IV".

The own piece development "stop and go - a dance-theater evening" was created together with the choreographers and contemporary dancers Tamara Brücken and Anna Widmer. stop and go premiered in 2006 at the Schwäbisch Hall open-air theater . In Berlin he can currently be seen in the crime menu as the prelude.

Piece selection

  • 2011 Russian Roulette | Director: Anke Reitzenstein | Role: Renè van der Flughafen | The prelude, Berlin
  • 2010 Morpheus Garden | Director: Anke Reitzenstein | Role: Prof. Tiefensee | The prelude, Berlin
  • 2009 Tod Couture | Director: Anke Reitzenstein | Role: Gregor Schroeder | The prelude, Berlin
  • 2008 Last Will | Director: Anke Reitzenstein | Role: Franz | The prelude, Berlin
  • 2008 Royal Jelly | Director: Anke Reitzenstein | Role: Rolf Wawraczek | The prelude, Berlin
  • 2007 Opera Mortale | Director: Anke Reitzenstein | Role: Hajo from Boysenberry | The prelude, Berlin
  • 2006 stop and go | Direction: Tamara Brücken, Anna Widmer, Jens Winter | Role: The Man | Schwäbisch Hall open-air theater
  • 2004 REM Phase IV | Director: Ingrid Hammer | Role: Jürgen | Theater Broken Windows Berlin
  • 2004 Bloomsday-Night Town | Director: Anna Zimmer | Role: Stephen Daedalus | Kunsthaus Tacheles Berlin
  • 2004 The Audimax Manifestation | Director: Cathrine Sullivan | Role: Dr. Nerd | Guest performance at the Volksbühne Berlin
  • 2002 Rem Phase 3 | Director: Ingrid Hammer | Role: Jürgen | Theater zum western Stadthirschen Berlin
  • 2001–1999 engagement at Theater Windspiel Berlin, artistic direction and direction: Niksa Eterovic | Pieces: Mirandolina / Cafe of Intuition / Snake Shirt of the Wind / "?" / VEB Horch & Guck / What is a stranger? / Ulysses-Chapter 1 / A table is needed
  • 1998 crash in Chiozza | Director: Valentin Plătăreanu | Role: Paron Fortunato | Theater Charlotte, Berlin; Municipal hall in Mietingen
  • 1998 The star without a name | Director: Valentin Platareanu | Role: Prof. Miroiu | Workshop of Cultures , Berlin
  • 1997 The thrust | Director: Valentin Plătăreanu | Role: Pit | Renaissance Theater Berlin, guest performance

further reading

Press media

  • HÖRZU, issue 23/2008, innocent chaos days / PRO7 on June 11, 2008
  • Haller Tagblatt , August 10, 2006, About movements and encounters - stop and go , by Bettina Lober
  • Berliner Morgenpost, December 19, 2004, Dance dreams in strange beds - REM Phase IV , by cok
  • Berliner Zeitung, March 26, 1999, coffee table with a crank - A table is needed, by Irene Bazinger
  • New Germany, December 1, 1998, Mirandolina receives , from Sonja Patzschke
  • Berliner Morgenpost, November 18, 1998, Spaghetti alla Mirandolina , by Josef Keller
  • Südwestpresse, November 10, 1998, comedy in the fishermen's milieu - noise in Chiozza , by Wolfgang Manecke
  • Märkische Allgemeine, March 14, 1997, Not pity, understanding - The thrust , by Gerold Paul

Web links