Jerzy Drewnowski

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Jerzy Drewnowski (* 1941 in Poland ) is a German science historian , philosopher and ethicist .


Jerzy Drewnowski is a former employee of the Polish Academy of Sciences , the Lessing Academy in Wolfenbüttel and the Technical University Cottbus , a scholarship holder of the German Research Foundation (in the German Copernicus Research Center in the Deutsches Museum , Munich) and the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, founding senator of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) .

He worked for many years, in Poland and Germany, on the publication of the Nicolaus Copernicus Complete Edition and received his doctorate on Copernicus as a politically active scholar.

In his habilitation thesis he dealt with the ethical and social self-image of Polish intellectuals of the 14th and 15th centuries.

He also examined the social and political consciousness of people who live in bondage. As part of a source research on forced labor during the National Socialist era , he developed a new catalog of questions for conversations with contemporary witnesses.

He has lived in Germany since 1989, at times he spends a lot in Poland. In Jedlnia-Letnisko near Radom, he and Stanisław Matuła created a meeting place for independently thinking people from home and abroad.

He understands his current philosophical reflection as a European philosophy of liberation . He gives this his reflection the form of essays , poems and philosophical fables .

He is a member of the Honorary Committee of the Polish Federation of Rationalists .


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