Jessica Forever

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Original title Jessica Forever
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 2018
length 97 minutes
Director Caroline Poggi / Jonathan Vinel
script Caroline Poggi / Jonathan Vinel
production Emmanuel Chaumet
music Ulysse Klotz
camera Marine Atlan
cut Vincent Tricon

Jessica Forever is a French feature film production company Ecce film from the year 2018 and also the first feature film by directors Caroline Poggi and Jonathan Vinel . It was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival 2018 and at the Berlin International Film Festival 2019 in the “Panorama” section .


In an otherwise perfectly appearing affluent society , criminal youths are searched for with flight drones and killed by them with a headshot . Jessica, a young woman, saved a dozen of these so-called "orphans" (wise men) from certain death and equipped them with army weapons. It remains unclear whether it is her own apartment in which she lives with the orphans, or one that is "occupied". In one of the first scenes her pupils focus like a cyborg , but in the rest of the film she acts like a human being made of flesh and blood and with a pronounced maternal instinct . She refrains from reprimanding misconduct, caresses her protégés when they feel alone, gives them presents and prescribes fixed recovery sleep and training times. When one of the "orphans" is recognized by a drone and shot, she first sends two others as scouts in a speedboat to a nearby island in order to find a new and safer refuge there. A remote luxury holiday home that has not been used by its owners is occupied, and after landing by parachute jump , each orphan is given their own room. One of the "orphans" nevertheless despairs and commits suicide by pouring flammable liquid over himself and setting it on fire. Another, Michael, meets a local girl while bathing. Now it is becoming clear for the first time that there is a world beyond the shelter of young people. When Michael and one of his fellow sufferers follow the nocturnal music noises and end up at a party , he meets the teenagers again, the other gets into a brutal fight. Nevertheless, a tender love develops between the girl and the boy. They spend their first passionate night of love in an abandoned school. When another orphan sets off with his samurai sword and kills two locals on the beach, Jessica and her team know that they have to flee from the drones again. But they don't want that anymore. Instead, they barricade themselves in the school building and await the arrival of an armada of drones.

The slowly told film leaves a lot of things vague and open. One looks almost like a dream walk at the young people, whose everyday life seems to be characterized by doing nothing and fighting. There is no clear protagonist, the camera alternately shows different actors without evaluating or explaining their actions.


Oliver Armknecht saw “a film about outsiders, about outcasts” that was “somewhere between strange loneliness drama and art installation” .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Oliver Armknecht: Jessica Forever. In: January 30, 2019, accessed February 19, 2019 .
  2. Jessica Forever. In: 2019, accessed February 19, 2019 .