Yevgenia Ivanovna Konradi

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Yevgenia Ivanovna Konradi

Yevgenia Ivanovna Konradi , née Botschetschkarowa ( Russian: Евгения Ивановна Конради , maiden name Бочечкарова ; * 1838 in Moscow ; † 1898 in Paris ), was a Russian publicist and women's rights activist .


As a child of a noble family, Yevgenia received a good home upbringing. In 1858 she entered a Moscow girls' high school as a noble lady and teacher of the English language . Then she went to St. Petersburg and married the doctor and journalist PF Konradi.

Yevgenia began to be active literary now . First she translated from French and German . In 1865 the monthly magazine Russkoje Slovo (Russian word) published her first essay on the development of slavery in America . In 1866 she became an employee of the new magazine Schenski Westnik (Frauenbote) in St. Petersburg. She kept the chronicle of the women's movement in the West and stood in a row with GI Uspenski , PL Lavrov and WA Slepzow . When the magazine ceased to appear in 1868, she took over her husband's position as editor of the weekly newspaper Nedelja (Die Woche) and reported on social life abroad. In 1969 she became the owner of this newspaper with PA Gaideburow and JA Rossel . She also published essays on education, women's equality and the workers issue in an educational magazine and in the Sewerny Westnik . In 1872 she edited together with PA Gaideburow the anthology on Russian social problems.

In the women's movement , Yevgenia was one of the leaders of the left wing alongside Marija Trubnikova , Nadezhda Stasova and Anna Filossofowa . In 1868 Yevgenia wrote a public letter on behalf of her group of women to the first congress of Russian naturalists in St. Petersburg, demanding a systematic education for women.

In 1872 JI Ragosin became editor of Nedelja. The different views led to conflicts, so that in 1874 Yevgenia stopped working in the Nedelya. The forced departure from their work also led to material hardships. She took her son, who had tuberculosis , to Switzerland for a cure , where he died in 1885. She never returned to Russia and died in a public hospital in Paris.

Web links

Commons : Yevgenia Ivanovna Konradi  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Brockhaus-Efron : Конради, Евгения Ивановна.
  2. Конради Евгения Ивановна (урожденная Бочечкарова) (accessed June 3, 2017).