Jiří Vacek

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Jiří Vacek

Jiří Vacek (born May 25, 1931 , in Slaný ) is a Czech mystic , writer and translator of spiritual literature.

He works as a teacher for yoga , mysticism and non-dualistic philosophy - Advaita - in the Czech Republic and abroad. In its practical application it is based on the teaching of Sri Ramana Maharshi , a Tamil sage from Arunachala . He is the author of an encyclopedia in the field of yoga and mysticism, which is contained in a series of books entitled Supreme Yoga and Mysticism . His articles have been published in local and foreign magazines. He is also the author of CDs and DVDs on spiritual subjects. He translated works from various areas of spiritual literature, especially the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, but also others, into Czech. Through his propagation of yoga and mysticism, he exerted an influence on the current spiritual scene.


Vacek was born in Slaný in 1931. His interest in the spiritual life awoke in 1945. His first book with a spiritual theme was The Burning Bush - The Unveiled Path of Mysticism by Karl Weinfurter , which motivated him to do mystical exercises, especially letter exercises and to concentrate on the spiritual heart.

From the beginning he was drawn to the person of Ramana Maharshi , a spiritual teacher and sage of the 19th and 20th centuries, whose Atma Vichara (path of self-knowledge) he also practiced from the late 1950s. His other spiritual masters, with whom he maintained personal contacts, were Jarka Kočí from Ostrava and Míla Tomášová .

Under the communist regime, Jiří Vacek was interrogated by the state security for his spiritual interests and even sentenced for disturbing socialist coexistence, and he lost his job several times. Regardless of this, however, he was already disseminating his works and translations at that time, and this in the form of samizdat.

After the fall of the Wall in 1989, he began to work publicly and published translations of spiritual books, especially of works with the teachings of Ramana Maharshi as well as of books that had the non-dualistic knowledge - Advaita - as their content, but also translations of works on Christianity and Zen Buddhism . So far he has published over 100 of his own works and over 30 translations that deal with the practical aspects of this philosophy. In his spare time he devotes himself to public meditations.

Quintessence of teaching

“What is the path?

The path is turning away from the changing forms towards their unchangeable ground, which is their source, withdrawing the attention of consciousness away from the observed objects and turning it towards the observer, towards consciousness itself, whereby the awareness and the cognition of ours true being, of the self as pure consciousness is reached and the illusion of the being bound by body and mind - the ego - is destroyed and thus the escape from the torments of the world and from the cycle of birth, life and death is achieved in him and the natural and original unlimited bliss of pure being is renewed and the illusion of diversity is removed and unity is realized, which is the Supreme Truth, the Lord, eternal life and real happiness. "

- Jiří Vacek

The spiritual teaching presented by Jiří Vacek is based primarily on the teaching of Ramana Maharshi . Like him, Jiří Vacek also teaches that the basis of spiritual life is to find our true existence in self-conscious awareness or in the realization (i.e. awareness) of our true self. The easiest way to become aware of the true self is the “track” of the observer, because in order to be able to observe whatever, we - the consciousness that observes or makes everything aware - must be here. In the consciousness of the observer we are constantly different from all the observed objects, which are our body, the creations of our spirit, including our feelings, and the world around us. At the same time, we make ourselves aware directly and without words or thoughts that we are an immaterial consciousness that makes these observed objects aware. We can and should strive to implement this most important element of spiritual practice incessantly, and this also in all ordinary everyday activities. Through the awareness of the self-aware observer, we bring divine life into our everyday life. We do not separate it into a worldly and a spiritual one, and moreover we manage our activities in this leaning on God better and with a higher quality. This practice enables us to realize the second essential element of spiritual practice, namely the dissolution of the vasanas, the inclinations of our mind that are directed towards our body and towards our divorced world. Jiří Vacek added an inseparable element to this practice, which is mainly oriented towards the static aspect of reality, the inner pranayama . This meditation, which is oriented towards the divine creative power, complements his teaching with the practice of spiritual life in such a way that both aspects of reality - the static and the dynamic - are developed at the same time.


Vacek's own work comprises over 100 titles on various topics from the fields of yoga and mysticism . There are also over 30 translations from different spiritual directions. Other authors often rely on his work, e. B. Vojtěch Steiner in the history of yoga or the editor of the Russian edition of Conversations with Ramana Maharisi .

The main works of Jiří Vacek are the books Fundamentals of Yoga and Mysticism , Royal Yoga and the textbook of Atma Vichara , where the basic principles of the spiritual life are presented.

The book series Supreme Yoga and Mysticism explains the theory and practice of the various yoga variants, such as Jnana Yoga , Bhakti Yoga , Karma Yoga , thus offering a synthetic overview and revealing the principles by which our spiritual endeavors are based.

In book titles such as Divine Life or Walking with God , the reader will find a description of the state of union with God and the conditions that must be observed. They also contain a number of practical tips and methods that will deepen this state.

The book Life and Teaching of Ramana Maharishi describes the life and teaching of this great spiritual teacher of the 19th and 20th centuries, Ramana Maharshi . In Who Am I , we find Maharishi's teaching of the direct path. The three-part conversations with Ramana Maharishi consist of conversations that outstanding writers and philosophers, such as Paul Brunton , Yogananda , Evans Wentz , Prof. S. Radhakrishnan, who later became President of India, and also ordinary people had with this sage. In Ramana Maharshi's answers, the wisdom and power can be felt, which directs the questioner's attention back to the real source of our existence, our real self. A rich source of this literature is the Sri Ramana Ashram .

Translations of Sanskrit scripts familiarize the reader with the major works of the non-dualistic philosophy Advaita . The Yoga-Vasishtha, for example, is considered the ultimate in yoga throughout India . This work, which is attributed to the Vedic sage Valmiki , contains instructions for attaining nirvana . It is written in the form of a conversation between the sage and Rama , a divine avatar .

The content of the works from the field of Christian mysticism is geared towards the inner meaning of Christianity as the basic principles of all true religions. A detailed interpretation of the Bible is offered here with regard to an inner, spiritual life. This includes the translations of important works by Christian saints. For example, sincere tales of a Russian pilgrim tell of how a 19th century Russian pilgrim sought through uninterrupted heartfelt prayer what the New Testament offers us. He found it in repeating the Jesus prayer.

In his memoirs How I searched for God and found myself , Jiří Vacek describes his life in great detail, discussing his “ordinary” as well as his spiritual life.

With his translations he discovered and made such spiritual masters accessible to Czech readers as Swami Ramdas , Nisargadatta Maharaj , Swami Muktananda , the Zen master Hui-Hai and Sai Baba from Shirdi .

Audio CDs and video DVDs contain the original recordings of lectures on spiritual practice as well as joint meditations and seminars.

Some of the author's works have been translated into various foreign languages ​​such as B. Jnana-Gita in German, Dutch and English. Some English texts and articles on meditation and spiritual practice have been summarized in the book Handful of Gems .

Works in Czech (selection)

  • Řada nejvyšší jóga a mystika (Book series Supreme Yoga and Mysticism) , Prague: own edition, consisting of:
    • Stezka síly - Šakti jóga (Path of Spiritual Power - Shakti Yoga) , 1993
    • O meditaci a samadhi. Nauka o karmě a karma jóga (On meditation and samadhi. Teaching on karma and karma yoga) , 1993
    • Džňána jóga - stezka poznání sama sebe (Jnana Yoga - the path of self-knowledge) , 1994
    • Mantra jóga. O mistrovství a žákovství (Mantra Yoga. On Mastery and Student Body) , 1994
    • Stezka lásky k Bohu - Bhakti jóga (Path of Love for God - Bhakti-Yoga) , 1994
    • Filosofie stezky k nejvyšší Skutečnosti (Philosophy of the Path to the Supreme Reality) , 1995
    • Sexualita v józe a mystice. Tantra a tao jóga (Sexuality in Yoga and Mysticism. Tantra and Tao Yoga) , 1995
    • Stezka k nejvyšší Skutečnosti (Path to the Supreme Reality) , 1996
    • Dokonalá jóga / Souhrnná jóga / (Perfect Yoga / Total Yoga /) , 1996
    • Zkušenosti z duchovní praxe (Experiences from Spiritual Practice) , 1997
    • Zázraky meditace (The Miracles of Meditation, Part 1 and 2) , 1998 and 2003
    • O cestě k Bohu (On the Path to God) , 1999
    • Uzel vědomí a Věda sebe si vědomého vědomí (Knot of Consciousness and Science of Self-Aware Consciousness) , 1999
    • Kundaliní jóga. Duchovní léčení. Přímá stezka k vysvobození (Kundalini Yoga. Spiritual Healing. Direct Path to Salvation) , 2001
  • Základy jógy a mystiky (Basics of Yoga and Mysticism) , Prague: own edition, 1995
  • Učebnice átmavičáry (The Textbook of Atma Vichara) , Prague: own edition, 1995
  • Královská jóga (Royal Yoga) , Prague: own edition, 1997
  • Život božský (Divine Life) , Prague: own edition, 2000
  • Chození s Bohem (Walking with God) , Prague: own edition, 2000
  • Jak jsem hledal Boha a nalezl Sebe 1.-15. díl (How I searched for God and found myself, 1st-15th part) , Prague: own edition, 2001-2010
  • Vrcholy poznání (The Peaks of Knowledge) , Prague: own edition, 2002
  • Život a učení Ramany Mahárišiho (Life and Teaching of Ramana Maharishi) , Prague: own edition, 2006
  • Vysvobození (Redemption) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2011, ISBN 978-80-87493-00-7
  • Škola Ducha Svatého (School of the Holy Spirit) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2011, ISBN 978-80-87493-04-5
  • Ježíš Kristus a Ramana Maháriši (Jesus Christ and Ramana Maharshi) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2012, ISBN 978-80-87493-17-5
  • Stezka světla (Path of Light) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2012, ISBN 978-80-87493-37-3
  • Jeden Bůh, jedno náboženství (One God, One Religion) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87493-55-7
  • Jednota člověka a Boha (Unity of Man and God) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87493-58-8
  • O věčném štěstí a blaženosti (On Eternal Happiness and Bliss) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87493-63-2
  • Život v Duchu svatém (Life in the Holy Spirit) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2014, ISBN 978-80-87493-68-7
  • Kdo je Bůh? (Who is God?) , Česká Třebová: Martin Tomeš - Friends of Jiří Vacek, 2015, ISBN 978-80-906179-1-9

Translations into Czech (selection)

  • Rámagíta a Ribhugíta (Rama-Gita and Ribhu-Gita, original name: Rama Gita, Ribhu Gita) , translation from English and annotated, Prague: own edition in collaboration with Orfeus publishing house, 1992
  • Sri Ramanashram: Mahárišiho Evangelium (Maharshi's Gospel, original name: Maharshi's Gospel) , translation from English, Prague: own edition, 1993
  • Sri Ramanashram: Kdo jsem Já? (Who am I ?, Original name: Who am I?) , Translation from English, Prague: own edition, 1994
  • Sri Ramanashram: S Ramanou Mahárišim den za dnem (From day to day with Ramana Maharshi, original name: Day by Day with Bhagavan) , translation from English, Prague: own edition, 1996
  • Frank H. Humphreys: Tak pravil Ramana Maháriši (This is how Ramana Maharshi spoke) , translation from English, Prague: own edition, 1997
  • David Godman: Rozhovory s Ramanou Mahárišim 1-3. díl (Conversations with Ramana Maharshi 1st-3rd part, original name: Talks with Ramana Maharshi) , translation from English, Prague: own edition, 1998
  • Poutník vypráví o své cestě k Bohu ( The Way of a Pilgrim , Original name: Откровенные рассказы странника духовному своему отцу) , translation from English, Prague: custom publishing in cooperation with publishing house Orfeus, 1993, ISBN 80-85522-30-6
  • Jóga Vašišta ( Yoga-Vasishtha , original name: Yoga Vasistha) , translation from English, Prague: own edition, 1995
  • John Blofeld: Učení mistra zenu Hui Haie o náhlém osvícení (The Zen Teaching of Hui Hai on Sudden Illumination) , translation from English, Prague: own edition, 1999

Works in English

  • Handful of Gems , compiled by Martin Tomeš, Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87493-53-3
  • Jnana Gita (Jnana-Gita) , translation into English by Martin Tomeš, published as part of the work Handful of Gems , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87493-53-3
  • Observation and concentration on observer , translation into English by Martin Tomeš, Prague: own edition from the Spiritual Scripts series , 2015

Works in German

  • Jnana-Gita , translation into German by Jan Vomela, Prague: own edition from the Spiritual Scripts series , 2015

Public work

  • Conducting meditations in the context of esoteric festivals, e.g. B. Spamoza (Žilina, 1993–1995), Love Your Life (Rokycany, 2001), Breath of the Earth (Šamorín, 2006), Earth Day (Bratislava, 2007), Esotericism (Prague, 2007)
  • Czech Radio broadcast on Christmas and Easter (December 1997)
  • Czech TV programs In the footsteps of the seekers of truth (1993) and Paths of Faith (1999)
  • Lecture at the University of Trnava with the title Man, Culture, Mysticism (April 2008)

Jiří Vacek teaches the practical aspects of spiritual life in public meditations in Prague, Brno, Olomouc and Hradec Králové (formerly also in all of Slovakia) and at one-week meditation seminars in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Individual evidence

  1. Jiří Vacek: Handful of Gems , compiled by Martin Tomeš, Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2013, ISBN 978-80-87493-53-3 (English)
  2. Sri Ramanasramam: Mahárišiho Evangelium (Maharshi's Gospel, original name: Maharshi's Gospel) , translation from English by Jiří Vacek, Prague: own edition, 1993 (Czech)
  3. ^ Medium magazine (Czech), accessed on November 5, 2015
  4. Phoenix magazine ( Memento of the original from April 28, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Czech) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.phoenixcasopis.cz
  5. Dotek magazine (Czech)
  6. The Call Divine , Tiruvannamalai, India: Sri Ramanashram (Ashram Ramana Maharshis), 1962–1963 (English)
  7. The Mountain Path , Tiruvannamalai, India: Sri Ramanashram (Ashram Ramana Maharshis), 1983–2002 (English)
  8. Joseph Sanitrák: Dějiny české mystiky 1 díl (History of the Czech mysticism Part 1) , Prague: Eminent, 2006, ISBN 80-7281-166-5 (Czech)
  9. Joseph Sanitrák: Dějiny české mystiky 2 díl (History of the Czech mysticism second part) , Prague: Eminent, 2007 ISBN 978-80-7281-289-9 (Czech)
  10. Joseph Sanitrák: Dějiny české mystiky 3 díl (History of the Czech mysticism 3rd part) , Prague: Eminent, 2010, ISBN 978-80-7281-328-5 (Czech)
  11. Robert Homir: Šokující myšlenky slavných II (Shocking Thoughts of Famous People II) , Prague: Eko-konzult, 2006, ISBN 80-8079-049-3 (Czech)
  12. Zdeněk Vojtíšek: Nová náboženská hnutí a jak jim porozumět (New religious movements and how to understand them) , Prague: Beta Books, 2007, ISBN 978-80-86851-64-8 (Czech)
  13. Martin Dojčár: Mystická kontemplácia (Mystic Contemplation) , Bratislava: Iris, 2008, ISBN 978-80-89238-19-4 (Slovak)
  14. Luděk Hudec: Úvod na cestu k moudrosti (Instructions for the path to wisdom) , Lulu.com, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4092-9022-3 (Czech)
  15. Nešpor, Zdeněk R. and authors: Malý slovník českých nekatolických náboženských Osobnosti 20. a 21. století (Small Dictionary of the Czech non-Catholic religious figures of the 20th and 21st century) , Prague: Kalich, 2019, ISBN 978-80 -7017-261-2 (Czech)
  16. ^ Jiří Vacek: Jnana-Gita , translation into German by Jan Vomela, Prague: own edition, 2015
  17. David Godman: Rozhovory s Ramanou Mahárišim first-third díl (Conversations with Ramana Maharshi 1st-3rd part, original name: Talks with Ramana Maharshi) , translation from English by Jiří Vacek, Prague: own edition, 1998 (Czech)
  18. Jiří Vacek: Život a učení Ramany Mahárišiho (Life and Teaching of Ramana Maharshi) , Prague: own edition, 1994 (Czech)
  19. Sri Ramanashram: Kdo jsem Já? (Who am I ?, Original name: Who am I?) , Translation from English by Jiří Vacek, Prague: own edition, 1994 (Czech)
  20. Jiří Vacek: Observation and concentration on observer , translation into English by Martin Tomeš, Prague: own edition from the Spiritual Scripts series , 2015
  21. Jiří Vacek: Učebnice átmavičáry (Textbook of Self-Inquiry) , Prague: custom publishing, 1995 (Czech)
  22. Jiří Vacek: Džňána jóga (Jnana-Yoga) , Prague: own edition, 1994 (Czech)
  23. Jiří Vacek: Stezka světla (Path of Light) , Prague: Krutina Jiří - Vacek, 2012, ISBN 978-80-87493-37-3 (Czech)
  24. Jiří Vacek: Stezka síly - Šakti jóga (Path of Spiritual Power - Shakti Yoga) , Prague: own edition, 1993 (Czech)
  25. Vojtěch Steiner: Dějiny jógy (History of Yoga) , Prague: edited by Mladá fronta, 2011, ISBN 978-80-204-2392-4 (Czech)
  26. БЕСЕДЫ с Шри Раманой Махарши (Conversations with Shri Ramana Maharishi) , Moscow: published by Ramanashram in cooperation with the Ganga Society, 2006, ISBN 5-98882-004-2 (Russian)

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