Joachim Kampe

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Joachim Kampe (* 1941 in Breslau ) is a German author , former Colonel of the National People's Army of the German Democratic Republic and Colonel a. D. the Bundeswehr .


Joachim Kampe was born in Breslau in 1941. According to his own account, he came to Saxony as a refugee or expellee after the Second World War , grew up in the Halle area and learned the trade of a shaper after primary school . In 1958 he joined the NVA and became a professional officer in a technical career. He is a graduate of the NVA Intelligence Officer School and the Military Academy of the Intelligence Forces of the USSR Armed Forces. After the political change and the dissolution of the NVA, Kampe served in the Bundeswehr until December 31, 1990. His last job as commander of the main intelligence center of the Ministry of National Defense consisted in transferring this facility to the Bundeswehr. In his last position there he was head of the telecommunications center east. After his military career, Kampe stated that he worked in various functions in the private sector in both the old and the new federal states.

Based on knowledge of his military career, for example about the tropospheric news system BARS of the Warsaw Treaty , Kampe works as an author and runs a website.


  • 2004 - Joachim Kampe: Wostok - The news center in the center of the military power of the GDR. Erwin Meißler publishing house, CD-ROM, 184 pages, PDF. ISBN 978-3932566608
  • 2008 - Hans-Werner Deim, Hans-Georg Kampe, Joachim Kampe, Wolfgang Schubert: The military security of the GDR in the Cold War . Erwin Meißler publishing house, 255 pages. ISBN 978-3-932566-80-6
  • 2013 - Joachim Kampe: The tropospheric news system 'BARS' and the bunker in Wollenberg . Erwin Meißler publishing house, brochure, DIN A5, 64 pages. ISBN 978-3-932566905

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c The tropospheric communication system "BARS" and the Wollenberg bunker. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  2. a b c German rapprochement: In the headquarters of the class enemy . In: Spiegel Online . January 21, 2009 ( [accessed September 17, 2019]).
  3. The main news center of the MfNV Page 1. Retrieved on September 17, 2019 .
  4. WOSTOCK, CD-ROM. In: Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  5. The military security of the GDR in the Cold War. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .