Joachim Polzer

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Joachim Polzer (born May 26, 1962 in Stuttgart ) is a German media historian , publisher , publicist and festival founder .

Live and act

After apprenticeships for advertising merchant and photographer journeyman and obtaining the baccalaureate in second-chance education at the Berlin College studied Polzer theater, film and television studies, as well as political and religious studies at the Free University of Berlin and graduated with a master's from. Since 2004 he has been researching the "history of audiovisual " and " audiovisual media " at FAMU , the film and television faculty of the State Academy for Performing Arts in Prague. There he was in 2010 with a dissertation on the history and restoration of the media Programmrepertoirs the TED video disc from Telefunken , Teldec and Decca for PhD doctorate.

Polzer has been active as a film writer in the field of essay and documentary films since 1985, with a focus on film portraits. Since 1994 he has been the editor of the media historical publication series Weltwunder der Cinematographie - Contributions to a cultural history of film and media technology (WdK), which sees itself as a material historical cultural history of media technology in the 20th century and published the eleventh volume in 2012.

In 1996 Polzer was one of the 26 founding partners of Internet Movie Database Ltd. (IMDb) in London.

In 1999 he founded the Polzer Media Group in Potsdam for his publishing and media activities.

Polzer founded the Globians welt & culture documentary film festival in Potsdam in 2005 , which moved to Berlin in 2009 and is now called Globians Doc Fest Berlin .

In February 2009 he started a blog with the title “Berlin Cinema Perspectives. The cinema's past is part of its future ”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Joachim Polzer: The TED image plate. Methodology for preserving the audiovisual program repertoire heritage of the German TED videodisk system. Dissertation, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU / FAMU), Prague 2010 (English; Czech translation; German appendix).