Joaquim Manuel de Macedo

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Joaquim Manuel de Macedo 1866.png

Joaquim Manuel de Macedo (born June 24, 1820 in Itaboraí , Brazil , † April 11, 1882 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian writer, doctor, teacher, poet, playwright and journalist. He was best known for his novel "A Moreninha" . He is the namesake of seat 20 of the Academia Brasileira de Letras in Rio de Janeiro.


Joaquim Manuel de Macedo was in 1820 in the city of Itaboraí , a municipality in the Brazilian province of Rio de Janeiro in the Empire of Brazil was born. His parents were Severino de Macedo Carvalho and Benigna Catarina da Conceição. He completed his medical degree in 1844 and opened a practice in the hinterland of Rio de Janeiro. In the same year he published his novel A Moreninha . In 1849 he founded the magazine Guanabara , together with Manuel de Araújo Porto-alegre and Antônio Gonçalves Dias . Large parts of his poem A Nebulosa were published in this magazine .

After his return to Rio, he gave up the profession of doctor and became a teacher of history and geography at the traditional Colégio Pedro II in the capital Rio de Janeiro. He had close contacts with the Brazilian imperial family and was a tutor for the children of Princess Isabella of Brazil . He was also a member of the Brazilian Historical and Geographic Institute (IHGB).

During the last years of his life he struggled with mental illness.

He was married to Maria Catarina de Abreu Sodré, a cousin of the poet Álvares de Azevedo . According to some historians, she is the model for the main character in his novel A Moreninha .


From Salvador de Mendonça , one of the founders of the Academia Brasileira de Letras, he became the patron saint chosen for the seat 20 and is one of the so-called "immortals" (Imortais) of the Academy.


Macedo's poem "A nebulosa"


  • A Moreninha (1844)
  • O Moço Loiro (1845)
  • Os Dois Amores (1848)
  • Pink (1849)
  • Vicentina (1853)
  • O Forasteiro (1855)
  • Os Romances da Semana (1861)
  • Rio do Quarto (1869)
  • A Luneta Mágica (1869)
  • As Vítimas-algozes (1869)
  • As Mulheres de Mantilha (1870–1871)

Political satire

  • A Carteira do Meu Tio (1855)
  • Memórias do Sobrinho do Meu Tio (1867–1868)


  • Memórias da Rua do Ouvidor
  • To Passeio pela Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
  • Labirinto



  • O Cego (1845)
  • Cobé (1849)
  • Lusbela (1863)


  • O Fantasma Branco (1856)
  • O Primo da Califórnia (1858)
  • Luxo e Vaidade (1860)
  • A Torre em Concurso (1863)
  • Cincinato Quebra-Louças (1873)


  • A Nebulosa (1857)


  • Ano Biográfico Brasileiro (1876)
  • Mulheres Célebres (1878)


  • Noções de corographia do Brasil (1873), translated into German by MP Alves Nogueira and Wilhelm Theodor von Schiefler , appear under the title Geographical Description of Brazil , FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1873

Medicines treatises

  • Considerações sobre a nostalgia

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