Jochanan ben Nuri

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R. Jochanan ben Nuri was an ancient Jewish scholar praised for his piety. He worked around the year 100 and belonged to the so-called second generation of the Tannaites .

Together with R. Eleazar Chisma he was a supervisor in the training house of Gamaliel II. And was in close relationship with R. Chalafta, whose son R. Jose reported on various occasions of R. Jochanan's visits to his father.

Jochanan pursued a moderate interpretation of the law, accommodating all extremes, which took into account the reality of life (Bab. Shabbat 26a; Gittin 89a).

Accordingly, he declared (Bab. Shabbat 105 b): "Anyone who tears his clothes in anger, breaks vessels or throws his money around, is in your eyes like an idolater."

It was said of Jochanan - as of Eleazar Chisma - that their knowledge was so great that they could roughly estimate the number of drops in the sea (Sifre Deut. 16; Bab. Horajot 10 a).

In the Avot de-Rabbi Nathan it is mentioned that whoever sees Jochanan ben Nuri in a dream can hope to become a person who fears sin (chap. 40).


Individual evidence

  1. J. Krengel, article Jochanan ben Nuri , in: Jüdisches Lexikon , Berlin 1927, Volume III, Col. 291: "... J's piety was very much praised"
  2. a b J. Krengel, article Jochanan ben Nuri , in: Jüdisches Lexikon , Berlin 1927 (vol. III.), Col. 291