Jogesh Pati

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Jogesh Chandra Pati (born April 3, 1937 in Baripada , Orissa ) is an Indian- US-American theoretical physicist who deals with elementary particle physics.

Pati studied at Ravenshaw College, Utkal University in Bhubaneswar ( Bachelor 1955) and Delhi University , where he received his master's degree in 1957 . He then went to the USA, where he received his doctorate from the University of Maryland in College Park in 1961 . He was then a research assistant there, from 1960 to 1962 Richard Tolman Postdoc Fellow at Caltech and from 1962/3 at the Institute for Advanced Study . In 1963 he became Assistant Professor, 1967 Associate Professor and 1973 Professor at the University of Maryland, since 2005 as Professor Emeritus. He was visiting scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the 1960s, at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (1966/7), at CERN , at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste (he also regularly directs summer schools there), at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in Stanford, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , the Imperial College in London, at the Yukawa Institute in Kyoto , in Vienna (1988) and New Delhi.

Pati was a pioneer in the development of the Great Unified Theory (GUT) in collaboration with Abdus Salam . The Pati Salam model from 1974 proposed a union with the calibration group SU (4) × SU (2) L × SU (2) R (SU (n) stands for the special unitary group in n dimensions), where the color Degrees of freedom of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) sit in the SU (4) part and the two SU (2) groups implement left-right symmetry. In particular, the theory predicts a right-handed neutrino , as is expected today based on the observation of neutrino oscillations .

In 1979/80 he was a Guggenheim Fellow . In 2000 he received the Dirac Medal (ICTP) with Howard Georgi and Helen Quinn . He is a member of the Indian Academy of Sciences.

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  1. ^ Pati and Salam: Lepton Number as the Fourth Color. In: Physical Review D . Volume 10, 1974, p. 275