Johann Andreas Herrenburg

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Johann Andreas von Herrenburg (born February 6, 1824 in Berlin ; † June 14, 1906 there ; actually: Johann Andreas von Herrenburger ), often just Andreas (von) Herrenburg , was a German architectural , landscape and oriental painter .


Herrenburg received his first lessons from the landscape painter Professor Karl Eduard Biermann and then made study trips to Germany , France and Italy for his further training .

When he came to Athens in 1845 , King Otto I of Greece induced him to explore the monuments of antiquity in the Peloponnese ; from there he accompanied a Turkish expedition to Asia Minor , Palestine and Persia undertaken for artistic and scientific purposes . In Cyprus he carried out geographic research and delivered the first complete special map of this island. After he had traveled to Egypt , Nubia and Abyssinia , he returned to Berlin in 1848 and now carried out his numerous sketches for landscape and architectural images. This includes:

  • A street in Cairo ,
  • The Thebes Plain in Egypt ,
  • A look at Sidon ,
  • Motif of the White Nile ,
  • A street in Baghdad ,
  • The coast of Paphos, Abuschehr on the Persian Gulf ,
  • The motif from Lake Como, which is based on its solar effect, as well
  • The effect picture of the Colossi of Memnon u. a.

In 1855 he moved to Dresden and also painted several Nordic landscapes or pictures of old classical architecture, among others: the Acropolis of Athens, the Theater of Taormina, the Temple of Isis on Philae and the Roman Forum .
