Johann Bertsche

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Johann Bertsche (born May 26, 1885 in Sunthausen ; † December 9, 1964 in Sunthausen) was a German politician .

After attending elementary school, Bertsche learned the trade of a farmer and then worked on his parents' farm. After getting married in November 1907, he took over the farm and the marriage resulted in four children. From 1916 to 1918 he did military service. After the First World War , he was a member of the Center Party until 1933 and was a local councilor.

Bertsche had been the mayor of Sunthausen since June 1946 and was a district councilor again since October. In 1946/47 he took up political activities in the parliamentary group of the Baden Christian Social People's Party (BCSV) in the committee of the Baden Consultative State Assembly . After the incorporation of the BCSV into the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), Bertsche continued to be politically active for this party.


  • Werner Breunig et al .: Constitutional Policy 2: Data Handbook for Land Parliamentarians 1945–1953. ed. Frank R. Pfetsch. Frankfurt, Bern, New York: Lang, 1985. ISBN 3820483438 , ISSN  0178-2444
  • Paul Feuchte: “Sources for the creation of the Baden state constitution from 1947.” Publications on the constitutional history of Baden-Württemberg since 1945 15 (1) (1999). ISBN 3170150596 .
  • Josef Weik: Member of the Bundestag and Landtag history of Baden-Württemberg 1945–1984. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1984. ISBN 3608913370