Johann Conrad Erleholz

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Johann Conrad Erleholz (born November 22, 1608 , † October 24, 1673 ) was a Roman Catholic clergyman and canon at the Konstanz Minster .


Johann Conrad Erleholz came from a family residing in Constance and Überlingen and was the son of the episcopal consistorial advocate Balthasar Erleholz and Euphrosina Hager. He studied philosophy and theology for six years at the Pontificium Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum de Urbe in Rome , where he also received his doctorate theologiae .

In a letter dated 1633, the Rector of the Kollegium Germanicum recommended his alumni Johann Konrad Erleholz for further applications with the following text: “The Rector of the Kollegium Germanicum recommends the priest Johann Konrad Erleholz from the Diocese of Constance, who studied at the Collegium for six years, to all those who to whom he comes. "

From 1632 to 1662 he was canon of St. Johann Abbey in Constance. Johann Konrad Erleholz was assigned a canonical and benefice at the Constance cathedral in 1657 on the basis of a papal commission mandate .

When Christoph Raßler was elected on December 21, 1658 as the new abbot of the Benedictine monastery in Zwiefalten , the Konstanz canon Johann Conrad Erleholz was present.

Alder wood was considered a patron of the Jesuit College in Constance and the "Jesuit painter " Johann Christoph Storer . From 1644 to 1673 he was the owner of Dienheim's canon court.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ The art monuments of Baden, Volume 1 , 1887
  2. a b Konstanzer Häuserbuch: Festschrift for the centenary of the unification of the city of Constance with the House of Baden, Volume 2, Part 1 , C. Winter, 1908, p. 487
  3. Document 1633 in the Baden-Württemberg State Archives, Department General State Archives Karlsruhe, 5 No. 7881
  4. Document 1657 in the Baden-Württemberg State Archives, Department General State Archives Karlsruhe, 5 No. 921
  5. ^ A b Sibylle Appuhn-Radtke: Visual Media in the Service of the Society of Jesus: Johann Christoph Storer (1620–1671) as a painter of the Catholic Reform , Schnell & Steiner, 2000, p. 121