Johann David Widderich

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Johann David Widderich (* 1684 in Lübeck ; † August 30, 1743 there ) was a Lübeck merchant and councilor of the 18th century.


Widderich was the son of the iron shopkeeper Johann Widderich († 1693) and grandson of the Lübeck Spanish driver Heinrich Widderich († 1675). He learned the trade of a businessman from Simon Rieck and later councilor Adde Severin . He became a member of the Bergenfahrer and founded his own trading company. After working in civil offices in the city, he was elected to the city council in 1739 . On the same day, in response to pressure from the city's citizens, councilors Marcus Tidemann , Diedrich von Bartels and Paul Vermehren were also elected because the council had neglected for a long time the self-supplementation to the number of 20 council members prescribed since the citizens' recession of 1669.
