Johann Diederich Cordes

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Johann Diederich Cordes (born October 16, 1730 in Hamburg ; † March 31, 1813 there ) was a Hamburg merchant and councilor .


"Johann Diederich Cordes", collective grave Senators (I), Ohlsdorf cemetery

Born in Hamburg, Cordes was initially taught by private tutors, then attended the learned school of the Johanneum and then the church school of Sankt Nikolai , then known as the so-called Kaufmannsschule under the direction of Jürgen Elert Kruse (1709–1775). After finishing school, he joined his father's company and took over management of the company after his father's death in 1757. In addition to his work as a businessman, Cordes held a number of public offices. He was first adjunct , then subdeacon to Sankt Nikolai, and a member of the Hamburg Lower Court, the building deputation and the war commissioner. On March 26, 1770 Cordes was elected councilor. As a councilor he was Praetor , Mansion in Billwerder and Ochsenwerder , customs Lord lap Lord parish Lord Waldherr , tithes Lord Mansion on Hamburg Mountain , Weddeherr , Mansion in Hamm , Supreme Admiralty Lord , scholarch and Protoscholarch. During the Hamburg French era , the Hamburg Council was temporarily dissolved. Cordes became councilor again after the French withdrew, but died shortly afterwards on March 31, 1813 at the age of 82 and was buried on April 6, 1813.

In the Ohlsdorf cemetery , the collective gravestone plaque for Senators (I) from the Althamburg Memorial Cemetery commemorates Johann Diederich Cordes, among others.


Cordes was the son of the Hamburg merchant and senior citizen in the parish of Sankt Nikolai Johann Dieterich Cordes (1677-1757) from his third marriage to Christina Eustachia Köten († 1738), daughter of the archdeacon to Sankt Michaelis Eustathius Köten (1655-1728). On April 26, 1762, Cordes married Anna Margaretha Tamm († 1791), daughter of the merchant and councilor Simon Tamm († 1761). The couple had eight children. The daughter Johanna (1765–1803) married the merchant and senior elder Walther Philipp Schlueter (1754–1823). His son of the same name, Johann Diederich (* 1768), owned the Hohenstein estate . The youngest daughter Amalie (1779–1851) married the lawyer Johann Ludwig Gries (1770–1826).


  • Johann Christian August Grohmann : In memory of our deceased on March 31st, 1813 in the eightieth year of his age, Mr. Johann Diederich Cordes, one of the most noble and highly wise councilors of Hamburg, the oldest senator and proto-cholar, the one around the city and the state through the promotion of every charitable noble institution, man so distinguished and deserved by senatorial honors . Gottlieb Friedrich Schniebes, Hamburg 1813 ( copy on the website of Hamburg personalities).
  • Friedrich Georg Buek : The Hamburg upper elders, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, p. 223 ( digitized from Google Books).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek : Johann Dieterich Cordes . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, p. 222–223 ( digitized from Google Books).
  2. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek : Walther Philipp Schlueter . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, p. 317-318 ( digitized from Google Books).