Johann Diedrich Plate

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Johann Diedrich Plate (pseudonym: Lüder Woort ) (born January 18, 1816 in Maasen in the county of Hoya ; † February 12, 1902 in Cuxhaven ) was a German teacher and author.

Plate attended the village school in Kirchwistedt and after his confirmation over winter gave lessons in a neighboring village, while in summer he helped his father in agriculture. At the age of 21 he attended the teachers' seminar in Stade and then worked as a teacher in the Bremen area.

For health reasons he emigrated to America, but soon returned and worked again as a teacher in the country of Wursten from 1848 to 1859 . Platen then worked for ten years in Lüdingworth and then in Altenbruch . In 1886 he retired.

Plate wrote in Low German. By Klaus Groth he was in " Platt Dütschen Husfründ " plagiarized his " Quickborn accused".



  • Rudolf Eckart : Handbook for the history of the Low German literature. Bremen 1911, p. 343f.

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