Johann Frers

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Johann Frers (born August 6, 1895 in Dorum , † January 20, 1952 in Hamburg ) was a German chemist .

The PhD employee of the Hamburg State Chemical Institute joined the NSDAP in May 1933 . In 1937 he became leader of the Nazi lecturers' association and in 1939 deputy leader of the entertainment lecturers in Hamburg.

In 1940 Frers was appointed adjunct professor and head of the newly created electrochemistry department in Hamburg. According to his own statements, Frers wanted to " combine chemistry with the racial myth of the Teutons ". In 1935 he improved the dimensional analysis of the element fluorine and in 1939 determined periodicities in the structure of the salts.

Although almost all professors in the mathematics and natural science faculty were members of the NSDAP, Frers was the only one to be dismissed in 1945. However, his objections to the denazification process gradually changed him from being less polluted (category III), follower (category IV) and finally to being unencumbered (V). Because of his death in 1952, there was no further employment at the university .

Selected scientific publications

  • JN Frers: Contributions to the constitution of the solid electrolytes , reports of the German chemical society 57 (1924), 1693-1697.
  • JN Frers: Contributions to the constitution of solid electrolytes: Investigations on copper (I) chloride (II. Communication) , reports of the German chemical society 60 (1927), 864-889.
  • JN Frers: About a natural periodic system of non-ionic compounds , Journal for inorganic and general chemistry 186 (1929), 145-153.
  • JN Frers: About a natural periodic system of non-ionic compounds. 2. Communication , Zeitschrift für inorganic und Allgemeine Chemie 240 (1938), 1-14.
  • JN Frers: About a natural periodic system of connections , Journal for inorganic and general chemistry 249 (1942), 281-292.


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