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Dorum coat of arms
Coordinates: 53 ° 41 ′ 21 ″  N , 8 ° 34 ′ 12 ″  E
Height : 0 m above sea level NHN
Area : 24.32 km²
Residents : 3588  (2017)
Population density : 148 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : January 1, 2015
Postal code : 27639
Primaries : 04741, 04742
Dorum (Lower Saxony)

Location of Dorum in Lower Saxony

Dorum in the municipality of Wurster North Sea Coast
Dorum in the municipality of Wurster North Sea Coast
Aerial view of the Dorum-Neufeld district

Dorum ( Low German Dorum ) is a village in the municipality of Wurster North Sea Coast in the district of Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony . Dorum used to be called the North Sea Bath .


Neighboring places
Nordholz - Cappel-Neufeld district Cappel Midlum
Padingbüttel Neighboring communities
Mulsum Holßel
(City of Geestland )



The area of ​​Dorum like the whole of Wursten was settled by Frisians since the 6th century after the Saxons left the area.

On July 16, 1757, a major fire destroyed almost the entire place within two hours. Among the refugees at the time was the later well-known pastor from Lilienthal, Johann Wilhelm Hönert . In 1852 the Dorum District Court was formed.

On January 1, 2011, Dorum lost its North Sea resort status.

Origin of the place name

The name "Dorum" was first mentioned in 1312. Before the place name finally became "Dorum", the place was called "Dornem" or "Thornum". "Dorn" - "hem" belongs to Frisian (and Low German) "thorn, dorn" and probably means "thorn" - "settlement".


In the course of the regional reform in Lower Saxony , which took place on March 1, 1974, the villages of Dorum, Mulsum , Midlum , Padingbüttel , Cappel , Misselwarden and Wremen merged to form Land Wursten .

On January 1, 2015, the joint municipality of Land Wursten and the municipality of Nordholz formed the new municipality of Wurster North Sea Coast in the district of Cuxhaven.

Population development

year Residents source
1885 1774
1910 1974
1933 2179
1939 2307
1950 3699
1956 3098
1973 2762
1975 02636 ¹
1980 02489 ¹
year Residents source
1985 2461 ¹
1990 2605 ¹
1995 2756 ¹
2000 3344 ¹
2005 3595 ¹
2010 3654 ¹
2014 3837 ¹
2017 35880
0 0 0

¹ as of December 31st


town hall

Local council

The local council of Dorum consists of two councilors and three councilors from the following parties:

(Status: local election September 11, 2016)

Local mayor

The local mayor of Dorum is Hanna Bohne (CDU). Your deputy is Wilfried Grotheer (SPD).

coat of arms

The Dorum municipal coat of arms was designed by the heraldist and coat of arms painter Gustav Völker , who designed around 25 coats of arms in the Cuxhaven district.

Dorum coat of arms
Blazon : " Split , front in silver a half- black , red - reinforced eagle at the gap, the back of gold , St. Urban (black) over green , with a silver clover occupied sign foot ."
Justification of the coat of arms: The half eagle, which can be found in many Frisian coats of arms , indicates the importance of Dorum as the capital of the Frisian country of Wursten. Saint Urban is the patron saint of the Dorum Church and the shamrock is a symbol of agriculture.

Culture and sights



The St. Urbanus Church , with the churches in Wremen and Imsum, is one of the main churches in the state of Wursten. It was built around 1200. The size and furnishings of the church reflect the wealth of the Wurster boatmen and farmers at that time. In addition to the font from the 12th century, the Romanesque crucifix from the 13th century is one of the oldest church inventory in the country. Another crucifix is ​​from the 15th century. The most famous is the sacrament tree , which, according to legend, was washed up on the coast in a shipwreck.

The port in Dorum-Neufeld

Cutter port at Dorumer Tief in Dorum-Neufeld
Panoramic view from the lighthouse

Dorum has a small port, the Dorum-Neufeld port . This is where shrimp cutters land their catch for the shrimp fishing every day . Next to the harbor basin is a plateau with restaurants. On the dike behind the harbor there is a memorial in memory of the victims of the storm surges on the North Sea coast.


Immediately in front of the Dorum coast, within sight of the port, is the Obereversand lighthouse , which was brought to Dorum in 2003 by means of a floating pontoon after it was no longer useful at the original Obereversand location.

Dike museum

The dike museum Land Wursten illustrates the interaction of humans with the sea, which has always been at the center of the life of the north German coastal inhabitants. The development of coastal protection from the Stone Age to the present was presented for the first time in this museum. The former Dorum dike museum was later called the Lower Saxony dike museum until it got its current name. The dike museum Land Wursten is open to visitors from May to October.

Associations and associations

  • Working group of all Dorum associations
  • Budo Academy Dorum e. V.
  • Citizens' Association Dorumer Amtsgarten e. V.
  • Chorgemeinschaft Dorum from 1881 e. V.
  • DLRG local group Dorum e. V.
  • Dorum spring
  • Dorumer Yacht Club e. V.
  • DRK local association Dorum
  • Fishing Association Dorumer Tief e. V.
  • Association of the volunteer fire brigade Dorum e. V.
  • Friends of the Dorum primary school V.
  • Friends of the Dorum High School
  • Friends of the Leutturmdenkmal Obereversand e. V.
  • Dorum Hunting Association
  • Reichsbund Dorum
  • Shooting club Dorum from 1926 e. V.
  • Shanty Choir Dorum
  • Summer dyke association Dorum / Cappel-Neufeld
  • TuS Dorum

Economy and Infrastructure

Established businesses

In addition to tourist companies such as Cuxland Ferienparks GmbH, there are craft and retail businesses.


Obereversand lighthouse in Dorum-Neufeld

Dorum is the focus of tourism in the municipality of Wurster North Sea Coast. The place offers a variety of recreational and spa facilities, especially at the port in Dorum-Neufeld. Over 650,000 overnight stays are recorded every year. The place has several campsites behind the dike. The sea in front of Dorum is part of the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park .

In the district of Dorum-Neufeld there are numerous accommodations directly by the sea, a beach, the cutter harbor, the wellness and spa center "Cuxland Deichschlösschen" with a heated sulfur brine wave pool and wellness pool, the spa administration with a children's playhouse, the lighthouse and other tourist facilities.


The road from Midlum to Bremerhaven runs through Dorum . Dorum is located about six kilometers from the highway A27 removed. You can get to Dorum via the Neuenwalde exit .

The Dorum (Wesermünde) station on the Bremerhaven – Cuxhaven railway line is regularly served by passengers.


Sons and daughters of the place

  • Wilhelm Jantzen (1800–1880), Hamburg merchant and member of parliament
  • Justus Alexander Saxer (1801–1875), theologian and general superintendent of the General Diocese of Bremen-Verden
  • Wilhelm von Borries (1802-1883), leading politician of the Kingdom of Hanover and member of the Westphalian-Lower Saxon noble family Borries
  • Johann Finckh (1807–1867), noble family member of the von Finckh family, President of the Higher Court and President of the State Parliament of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
  • Sophus Ruge (1831–1903), geographer
  • Eibe Hinrich Behlers (March 2, 1835 - March 16, 1896), dyke sworn, he campaigned for the drainage of the marshland and thus fought against the "cold fever" (= malaria-like disease, also called swamp and marsh fever) many farmers suffered at the time, Dorumer Behlersstraße was named after him and a memorial stone in the entrance area of ​​the district garden commemorates his merits, he was born in the Dorum district of Oberhausen
  • Heinrich Siebern (1872–1938), state building inspector, government master builder, provincial curator, university lecturer for monument preservation, author and field name collector
  • Hans Windels (1882–1949), District Administrator
  • Paul Windels (1883–1970), administrative lawyer and district administrator
  • Karl Olfers (1888–1968), politician (SPD)
  • Johann Frers (1895–1952), chemist
  • Heinrich Sievers (1908–1999), musicologist, music critic, university professor and conductor
  • Rudi Steinkamp (* 1938), basketball official and former referee
  • Wolfgang von Geldern (* 1944), politician (CDU), member of the Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary, Chairman of the German Forest Protection Association (SDW)

People connected to the place

  • Magister Jordanus († probably 1309), cleric and founder of the library of St. Andrew's Church in Braunschweig, he was pastor and dean of Dorum
  • Tjede Peckes (around 1500–1517), Wurtfriesian flag maiden (also known as Joan of Arc of the North ), there is a roughly life-size statue of her in the Lower Saxony dyke museum in Dorum
  • Antonius Wilde (before 1575 – around 1618), organ builder in Otterndorf, he repaired the organ of the local St. Urbanus Church in 1606 (not preserved)
  • Johann Matthias Schreiber (1716–1771), organ builder in Glückstadt, he built the new organ for the local St. Urbanus Church from 1765 to 1770 (prospectus preserved)
  • Johann Wilhelm Hönert (1723–1790), pastor and church historian, he was the school rector in Dorum
  • Gregorius Struve († before 1737), master craftsman of Arp Schnitger and well-known organ builder in the Oldenburg and Bremen area, he repaired the organ of the local St. Urbanus Church in 1728 (not preserved)
  • Georg Alexander Ruperti (1758–1839), Lutheran theologian, pastor in Dorum
  • Hermann von Alvensleben (1809-1887), Prussian lieutenant general and owner of the Schochwitz manor, during the Franco-German War he was commanded to Bremen to organize the guarding of the coast from Dorum to Emden
  • Karl August Ludwig Mercker (1862–1942), Protestant theologian, superintendent in Dorum
  • Heinrich Spanuth (1873–1958), religious educator and historian, was rector in Dorum
  • Hans Philipp Meyer (1919–1995), Evangelical Lutheran theologian and spiritual vice-president of the Hanover regional church office in Hanover, superintendent in Dorum
  • Hans Aust (1926–1984), teacher and prehistoric archaeologist, since 1966 he was active as a district archaeologist for the district of Cuxhaven, elementary school teacher in Dorum
  • Heinrich Egon Hansen (1930–1996), teacher and school supervisor, he became known as an amateur actor and promoter of homeland care and regional history between the Weser and Elbe, a high school teacher in Dorum
  • Diedrich Smidt (1931–2018), veterinarian and agricultural scientist, practicing veterinarian in Dorum
  • Traute Brüggebors , married Dittmann (* 1942), teacher and author, who mainly publishes in Low German, she attended secondary school in Dorum from 1953 to 1954
  • Thorsten Schriever (* 1976), administrative clerk, soccer referee (DFB career 2000–2016), lives in Dorum

Myths and legends

  • The sacrament tree in Dorum
  • The legend of the royal eel / the black whale
“A long time ago, a farmer named Pecke lived with his wife Sille at the place of the Wehl (water hole) between Dorum and Dorum-Neufeld. The couple were very rich, but also stingy and hard-hearted. They were happy to snatch the standing goods from under the nose of the other farmers. One night they found a fat eel with a gold crown on its head and a silver clasp on its tail. 'Daar is de Eel King,' said Sille. Still, she wanted to eat the fat eel as a Sunday roast. Not even the promise that they would be allowed to keep the crown and clasp saved the Eel King's life. When the head of the eel was cut off, an irrepressible storm broke out. The dike collapsed and the house and farm, including the married couple, sank into a deep hole that was later called the 'Black Wehl'. Today the 'Schwarze Wehl' is popular as a fishing pond and a small natural paradise. "
  • Themeln
  • From the eagle coat of arms of the Wurster


  • Fritz Hörmann, Ude Meyer, Christian Morisse, Eberhard Nehring, Irmgard Seghorn, Egon Stuve, Else Syassen: Wesermünde field names collection - the field names of the property tax cadastre from 1876 . Ed .: Kulturstiftung der Kreissparkasse Wesermünde (=  new series of special publications by the men from Morgenstern , Heimatbund an Elb- und Wesermuende eV Volume 27 ). Men from Morgenstern Verlag, Bremerhaven 1995, ISBN 3-931771-27-X , p. 6 ([ digitized version ( memento of October 26, 2007 in the Internet Archive )] [PDF; 431 kB ; accessed on October 23, 2019]).
  • Friedhelm Bartels, Birgit Deppe, Renate Grützner, Wolfgang Köthe, Wilfried Kuhl: Land Wursten and Nordholz - yesterday & today - Wurster North Sea coast . Kellner Verlag, Bremen 2017, ISBN 978-3-95651-128-8 .

Web links

Commons : Dorum  - collection of images
Wikivoyage: Dorum  - travel guide

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Friedhelm Bartels, Birgit Deppe, Renate Grützner, Wolfgang Köthe, Wilfried Kuhl: Land Wursten and Nordholz - yesterday & today - Wurster North Sea coast . Kellner Verlag, Bremen 2017, ISBN 978-3-95651-128-8 , pp. 224 .
  2. a b Small question: "What significance do ratings such as 'state-approved climatic health resort' have, especially for heath tourism and the tourism industry in Lower Saxony"? (PDF; 100 kB) In: Lower Saxony State Parliament - 16th electoral period, printed matter 16/3359. January 17, 2011, accessed November 9, 2017 .
  3. Overview map of the Cuxhaven district. In: November 2016, accessed March 22, 2020 .
  4. ^ Jürgen Udolph (research): The "place name researcher". (No longer available online.) In: Website NDR 1 Lower Saxony . Archived from the original on January 26, 2016 ; accessed on July 10, 2018 .
  5. Friedhelm Bartels, Birgit Deppe, Renate Grützner, Wolfgang Köthe, Wilfried Kuhl: Land Wursten and Nordholz - yesterday & today - Wurster North Sea coast . Kellner Verlag, Bremen 2017, ISBN 978-3-95651-128-8 , pp. 35 .
  6. Law on the reorganization of the community Wurster North Sea Coast, district Cuxhaven . In: Niedersächsische Staatskanzlei (Ed.): Niedersächsisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt (Nds. GVBl.) . No.  26/2012 . Hanover November 8, 2012, p. 428 , p. 2 ( digitized version ( memento of July 10, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) [PDF; 454 kB ; accessed on September 26, 2018]).
  7. a b c Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. Wesermünde district ( see under: No. 18 ). (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  8. ^ Ulrich Schubert: Register of local authorities Germany 1900 - Lehe district. Information from December 1, 1910. In: January 5, 2020, accessed March 22, 2020 .
  9. a b Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden (ed.): Official municipality register for the Federal Republic of Germany - 1957 edition (population and territorial status September 25, 1956, for Saarland December 31, 1956) . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1958, p.  192 ( digitized version ).
  10. Lower Saxony State Administration Office (ed.): Municipal directory for Lower Saxony . Municipalities and municipality-free areas. Self-published, Hanover January 1, 1973, p. 47 , Wesermünde district ( digitized [PDF; 21.3 MB ; accessed on June 3, 2020]).
  11. ^ Municipalities in Germany by area and population. (XLSX; 895 kB) In: Destatis website. Federal Statistical Office, December 31, 1975, accessed on June 11, 2019 ( see: Lower Saxony, No. 1911 ).
  12. a b c d e f g h Community directory - archive - regional structure - annual editions - Lower Saxony. (All politically independent municipalities in EXCEL format). In: Destatis website. Federal Statistical Office, accessed on March 22, 2020 .
  13. a b Local councilor and local mayor of Dorum. In: Website Wurster North Sea Coast. Retrieved July 10, 2018 .
  14. a b Landkreis Wesermünde (Ed.): Coat of arms of the Landkreis Wesermünde . Grassé Offset Verlag, Bremerhaven / Wesermünde 1973, ISBN 3-9800318-0-2 .
  15. Eberhard Michael Iba (Ed.): Hake Betken siene Duven. The saga of the Elbe and Weser estuaries (=  special publications by the men from Morgenstern , Heimatbund at the Elbe and Weser estuaries . Volume 16 ). 3. Edition. Men from Morgenstern Verlag, Bremerhaven 1999, ISBN 3-931771-16-4 .
  16. Bernd Schmitz: Guide to Störtebekerstrasse . Touristik Verlag Vellmar, Vellmar 1996, ISBN 3-930632-37-3 , p. 85 .
  17. Deichmuseum Wursten. In: Website Deichmuseum Land Wursten. Retrieved July 10, 2018 .
  18. Beate Ulich: Fight against cold fever - Dorumer campaigns for the drainage of the marshland in the 19th century . In: Nordsee-Zeitung . Bremerhaven October 18, 2019, p. 22 , Wurster North Sea Coast .
  19. The sagas of the country Wursten - From the Sacrament Tree in Dorum on YouTube , accessed on August 6, 2020.
  20. The sagas of the country of Wursten - The Black Wehl on YouTube , accessed on August 6, 2020.
  21. Heike Leuschner: First aid for the eel king. Master painters and journeyman save legendary figures at the gates of Dorum-Neufeld from decay . In: Nordsee-Zeitung . Bremerhaven July 18, 2020, p. 22 , district of Cuxhaven / Wurster North Sea coast .
  22. ^ The sagas of the country of Wursten - Themeln on YouTube , accessed on August 12, 2020.
  23. The sagas of the country of Wursten - from the Wurster eagle coat of arms on YouTube , accessed on August 12, 2020.