Johann Friedrich Brandis

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Johann Friedrich Brandis (born September 11, 1760 in Hildesheim ; † May 9, 1790 ; divergent May 6, 1790) was a German lawyer and university professor.


Johann Friedrich Brandis was born as the son of Christian Dietrich Brandis (1722–1800), court judge and his wife Sophie Charlotte Juliane (1728–1785), a daughter of the pharmacist Johann Justus Goedicke. He had fifteen siblings, one of his brothers was the doctor and pharmacist Joachim Dietrich Brandis and another brother was the general superintendent Friedrich Brandis . In particular, the following are also known:

  • Agnes Juliane Brandis (born August 28, 1750 in Hildesheim; † July 20, 1837 there), married to Carl Gottfried Alberti (born August 21, 1738 in Bad Wildungen ; † December 26, 1813 in Eschershausen), superintendent ;
  • Christian Wilhelm Brandis (* December 27, 1752 in Hildesheim; † September 19, 1776 ibid), Dr. jur. and advocate;
  • Eleonore Juliane Maria Brandis (born March 11, 1756 in Hildesheim; † October 10, 1844 ibid), married to Johann Friedrich Koken (born July 19, 1750 in Hildesheim; † January 2, 1784 in Alfeld ), Syndicus;
  • Wilhelmine Brandis (born November 28, 1757 in Hildesheim; † unknown);
  • Johann Carl Brandis (born January 12, 1759 in Hildesheim; † March 6, 1787 there), court judge;
  • Ferdinand Heinrich Brandis (born September 22, 1764 in Hildesheim, † May 20, 1851 in Aurich), director of the law firm in Aurich;
  • Christine Margarethe Brandis (* unknown; February 17, 1850 in Hildesheim), canoness ;
  • Johanna Charlotte Brandis (born March 21, 1769 in Hildesheim, † January 20, 1841 in Aurich);
  • Lucie Dorothea Brandis (* July 2, 1772 in Hildesheim, † July 28, 1828 in Grasdorf ), married to Friedrich August Ebbecke, pastor;
  • Carl Friedrich Georg Brandis (born March 4, 1774 in Hildesheim; † July 31, 1831 in Kiel), businessman and manufacturer;
  • Gottfried Adolph Dietrich Brandis (born March 11, 1777 in Hildesheim, † December 13, 1809 in Göttingen), lawyer and tribunal procurator .

Johann Friedrich Brandis began to study law at the University of Göttingen in 1779 and heard lectures from Johann Stephan Pütter and received his doctorate in 1784 with the dissertation De vera ordinis succedendi ex maioratu notione ex pactis familiarum .

In 1785 he became an associate professor of law at the University of Göttingen. He took a long trip to Wetzlar , Regensburg and Vienna and returned in November 1787 and was accepted into the judging panel (teaching complaints) of the law faculty as an extraordinary assessor. In his lectures he read about the Reich Trial, German constitutional law and canon law .

He published some treatises on constitutional issues. In May 1783 he became a member of the Göttingen Lodge "Augusta to the Three Flames".

Fonts (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Schlichtegroll: Nekrolog on the year 1790 - Volume 2, pp. 1–12. Retrieved February 7, 2018 .
  2. ^ German biography: Brandis, Johann Friedrich - German biography. Retrieved July 30, 2018 .
  3. ^ ADB: Brandis, Johann Friedrich - Wikisource. Retrieved July 30, 2018 .
  4. Mixed writings on German history, statistics and public law; First volume, p. 583 ff. 1836 ( [accessed on July 30, 2018]).