Johann Friedrich Bund

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Johann Friedrich Bund (also Fritz Bund ) (born April 9, 1903 in Hanover ; † May 24, 1974 ) was a Bremen trade unionist (ÖTV), politician ( SPD ) and member of the Bremen citizenship .


education and profession

The federal government is training as a seaman. As a member of the public services, transport and traffic union (ÖTV), he became union secretary in Bremen . In 1950, his work for German seafarers who were paid under tariff by a US shipping company became known .


Bund was a member of the SPD.

From 1951 to 1967 he was a member of the Bremen citizenship for 16 years and worked in various deputations and committees of the citizenship, including the shipping deputation .

Further memberships

In 1959, with his support, the Bremer Helgolanddienst GmbH was founded. The federal government joined the board of directors as a representative of the citizens.


  • Norbert Korfmacher: Directory of members of the Bremen citizenship 1946 to 1996 (= local politics. Volume 1). LIT, Münster 1997, ISBN 3-8258-3212-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. Der Spiegel , issue 18/50 from June 4, 1950: Seafarers - Under tariff .
  2. Der Spiegel issue 37/63 of September 11, 1963: Helgolanddienst - The school friend