Johann Friedrich Christian Spener

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Johann Friedrich Christian Spener (born July 13, 1760 in Soest ; † July 3, 1825 at Gut Ostholz ) was a councilor at the Märkische War and Domain Chamber in Hamm , and from 1809 mayor .


Grave on the Ostenfriedhof 2001, tombstone lost (2006)

Spener was a chamber assessor at the War and Domain Chamber in Hamm in 1792 , but was promoted to War and Domain Council in 1793. While Hamm was part of the Grand Duchy of Berg, he held the office of Maires . At the end of the 18th century he had already acquired the allodified Ostholz estate from the heirs of General Karl Friedrich von Wolffersdorff . In 1804 he also owned the Oberheidemühle estate in Uentrop , which he had bought from the heirs of Hofrat Engels, in addition to his town house on Brüderstraße in Hamm (old number 257) . He was married to Helene Friederike Theodora Kopstadt (1760–1813) from Essen. The tomb of the Spener couple was still on the Ostenfriedhof in 2001 and is now on Gut Ostholz.


  • F [riedrich] J [ohannes] Wienstein: Hammer Mayor in distress. Blackened in Paris in 1812 because of the Prussian rally , in: Westfälischer Anzeiger and Kurier of May 17, 1961
  • Helmut Richtering: Seats of nobles and manors in the area of ​​the city of Hamm , in: Herbert Zink (Ed.): 750 Years of the City of Hamm, Hamm 1976, pp. 125–160, especially pp. 135 and 139.
predecessor Office successor
NN Mayor of Hamm
Heinrich Christian Quade