Johann Friedrich Ludwig Cappel

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Johann Friedrich Ludwig Cappel (born July 18, 1759 in Helmstedt , † July 16, 1799 in Wladimir ) was a German doctor .


Cappel began studying medicine at the University of Helmstedt in 1776 as the son of the medical professor and councilor Wilhelm Friedrich Cappel . In 1779 he moved to the University of Strasbourg for a year , where his father had already done medical studies. After Cappel had returned to the Helmstedter University in 1780, he was in 1781 with the dissertation De Epilepsia e Tvmore Nervo Vago inherent Orta to Dr. med. PhD . First he settled as a general practitioner in Hildesheim . He then moved to Braunschweig as such .

Cappel was called to Saint Petersburg in 1786 through the mediation of Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann . There he became a collegiate assessor and governor. As such, he settled in Vladimir. There he worked until the end of his life.

The medical professor Ludwig Christoph Wilhelm Cappel was his brother, the actress and writer Clara Anschel his sister and the clergyman Andreas Friedrich Gottlob Glaser his brother-in-law.

Works (selection)

  • De Epilepsia E Tvmore Nervo Vago Inhaerente Orta , Schnorr, Helmstedt 1781.
  • Directory of the plants growing wild around Helmstedt , Dessau 1784 (digitized version) .
  • Attempt at a complete treatise on the so-called English disease , Nicolai, Berlin 1787.


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