Johann Friedrich Wedding

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Johann Friedrich Wedding (born March 13, 1759 in Seedorf near Lenzen , Brandenburg ; † September 21, 1830 in Kattowitz , Upper Silesia ) was a German civil engineer and metallurgical director.


After graduating from high school in Berlin , he studied mining , metallurgical plant construction and architecture. He then practiced at various ironworks . As an employee of Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden , he was transferred to Dembiohammer near Opole in 1784 , where he helped to build a steel mill.

In 1779 he was accepted into the Prussian civil service . He was soon entrusted with the construction and design of the Friedrich Königliche Metallhütte , the Gleiwitzer Hütte, the Königshütte , the Königsgrube near Beuthen and the Königin-Louisengrube in Hindenburg .

In 1790 he traveled to England with Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden to learn about new technologies and industrial facilities. In 1791 he became a metallurgical inspector in Malapane . In the years 1791–1796 he and John Baildon built the first coke oven on mainland Europe near Gleiwitz . Since 1800, Johann Friedrich Wedding had been working as the master builder at the Königshütte in Königshütte , which he and John Baildon had built . Since 1806, he served as director of building hut and a member of the Silesian mining authority building applications on the mining and smelting facilities in Upper Silesia . In 1822 he was appointed Oberbergrat.
