Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder

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Residence of the Wolcker family of painters in Schelklingen at Bemmelbergergasse 12, built around 1705/10, from the west

Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder (* around 1670–1680; † around 1735 in Schelklingen?) Was an early baroque painter in Schelklingen .

Family and life

It is estimated that if Johann Georg Wolcker married shortly before 1700, he was born around the decade 1670 to 1680. His place of birth is unknown. Before 1700 he married Ursula Michler from Schelklingen. In 1702 he moved with his family to Schelklingen, where the couple had nine children until 1718.

Shortly after 1705 he must have acquired the Lori'sche Hofstatt in Schelklingen and probably built a new house on the building site.

The first documentary evidence from the Schelklingen files comes from March 9, 1707, when a "Hans Jerg Wolckhner" was sampled for the citizen military. So he must have acquired citizenship beforehand, presumably through his wife, who was certainly a citizen's daughter.

In 1726 a complete entry was made in the tax book for the first time: “Johann Georg Wolkhner, Mahler, owns a house and garden, between Matheus Sontheimer (in the east) and Mr Urban Genther (in the west), at the back of Christoph Eisel (in the north ), and in front of the alleys (in the south), annual ground rent gives the saint 12 kr (cruiser) 2 h (heller) ”.

Oil painting of St. Sebastian on the west wall of the parish church Schelklingen, signed “Joh. Georg Wolcker 1723 "

On December 5, 1731, he sold his house to his eldest son Johann Georg Wolcker, “the art of a Mahler”, and had this purchase contract recorded and extradated by the magistrate. At that time, Johann Georg d. Ä. Councilor ("Rathsanverwandter") in Schelklingen and, in contrast to his son, was only called Georg ; So Georg must have been his nickname.

Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder Ä. was obviously in a financial embarrassment: but this could not have been the debts on his house. He seems to have been unable to work and ill or without orders, which prompted him to sell the house. He felt compelled to make financial provision for old age through this transfer of assets. His son Johann Georg d. Of all his sons, J. was the one who had the most and best jobs and also earned the most. When Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder Ä. was actually born between 1670 and 1680, in 1731 he was “only” 51 or 61 years old.

Neither the date of death of Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder. Ä. even that of his wife Ursula is recorded in the Schelklingen church registers. However, the former city archivist Jörg Martin was able to determine on the basis of the sacred care bills that he died in 1735 (at the age of around 54–65 years), because after that year only Johann Georg Wolcker was referred to as “soulful” in the saints care bills. It is possible that the two old parents moved in with their eldest son Johann Georg the Elder. J. to Augsburg, who apparently - if you consider his many commissions - lived in good financial circumstances. His place of death is still unknown.

Since there were certainly not enough orders for so many painters in Schelklingen, five sons of Wolckers left Schelklingen and tried to make their professional fortune elsewhere. Only Gottfried stayed in Schelklingen. The daughters Maria Clara , Maria Eleonore and Johanna probably died young.


  1. Johann Georg Wolcker d. J. (* 1700 not in Burgau, † October 27, 1766 in Augsburg)
  2. Johann Michael Wolcker (baptized Schelklingen May 12, 1702; † October 16, 1784 in Schelklingen): pictor , settled in Würzburg in 1739, married a local widow NN there, but returned to Schelklingen in the 1770s, where he also made his will and died childless.
  3. Matthias (or Matthäus) Wolcker (baptized Schelklingen February 22, 1704; † October 10, 1742 in Dillingen / Donau): painter, lived in Dillingen / Danube since 1731 and married a daughter of the Dillingen painter Anton Wenzeslaus Haffe.
  4. Gottfried Wolcker (baptized Schelklingen December 30, 1706; † August 5, 1779 in Schelklingen): artificiosus pictor , Maller allhier , lived in Schelklingen in the Bemelberger Schlössle and married Brigitta Abbt on June 20, 1745 in the monastery of Urspring , from which marriage several children sprang .
  5. Andreas Wolcker (baptized Schelklingen September 5, 1708; † Schelklingen August 26, 1758). Andreas probably also apprenticed to his father like his brothers. He is referred to as "pictor" in the Schelklingen death register . No further information is known about him. Since he died relatively young at the age of 49 in Schelklingen, it can be assumed that he remained single and possibly worked in the vicinity or in collaboration with his older brother Gottfried.
  6. Gabriel Wolcker (baptized Schelklingen June 8, 1715, † in Lower Franconia before 1784): painter. Worked in Lower Franconia. Dating from 1755 and 1757.


The following list contains all works that, according to information from archival documents and dated works by Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder , so far . Ä. can be assigned. With a further systematic review of the files in the Schelklingen area, this list should become considerably longer.

  • 1700/01: in connection with the renovation of the church altar: “Herr Stadtamann, equally pale from the Cap [i] t [a] lien per 70 fl: the Mahler von Gemindt pays no [min] e of the Hail [igen ] "- 20 fl (= guilder).
  • 1707/08: "The Mahler before two new angels: as a repair to the Hail [igen] Gaist in Advent was paid in all according to the account" - 1 fl 30 xr.
  • 1707/08: "to use the Mahler Georg Wolckhern for a Wolckhen zue God, to the [hasty] Gaist [= also?] At the ascension of Christ, paid" - 24 xr.
  • 1713/14: “If the old holy grave is quite old, and it was too small, as if it was enlarged and renovated by the painter, it cost” - 1 fl 12 xr.
  • 1707/08: "to use the Mahler Georg Wolckhern for a Wolckhen zue God, to the [hasty] Gaist [= also?] At the ascension of Christ, paid" - 24 xr.
  • 1713/14: “If the old holy grave is quite old, and it was too small, as if it was enlarged and renovated by the painter, it cost” - 1 fl 12 xr.
  • 1717: he painted 20 parapet pictures for the gallery of the nave in the Evangelical Church of St. Laurentius Berghülen .
  • 1718/19: he painted the clock face of the church tower clock in Pappelau for 9 fl 30. xr. This reference is based on the discovery of Jörg Martin, former city archivist of Schelklingen: “While doing indexing work in the Pappelau parish archive, I happened upon the note in the care bill of the local Protestant parish church from 1718/19 that Johann Georg Wolcker had paid 9 fl 30. xr. painted the clock face of the church tower. Wolcker's corresponding receipt has also been preserved there. "
  • 1719: Cycle of the choir and organ lofts in the Nikolaus parish church of Seißen .
  • 1720: a picture of Saint Clare of Assisi in the Söflingen monastery church , inscribed "JGW 1720".
  • 1724: St. Sebastian in the parish church of Schelklingen, to the right of the main portal on the men's side, inscribed “Johann Georg Wolcker pinc. 1724 ".
  • 1731/32: "H [err] Johann Georg Wolckher has painted the above antipendium, also painted 2 large postmembers with flowers and foliage in oil" - 2 fl 45 xr.
  • 1734/35: receives Johann Georg Wolcker "vor Kirchenmahlerey" - 1 fl 51 xr.


  • Immo Eberl: The family and civil status cases in the parishes of the town of Schelklingen and the Urspring Monastery (1602–1621, 1657–) 1692–1875. With the collaboration of Irmgard Simon and Franz Rothenbacher, 2nd edition. Rothenbacher, Mannheim 2012.
  • Hans Andreas Klaiber and Reinhard Wortmann (arr.) (1978), The art monuments of the former Oberamt Ulm: without the district of Ulm . Munich: German art publisher.
  • Eduard von Paulus and Eugen Gradmann (1914), The art and antiquity monuments in the Kingdom of Württemberg . On behalf of the Royal Ministry of Churches and Schools, ed. from ... inventory (4th volume). Donaukreis 1. BAnd: Oberämter Biberach, Blaubeuren, Ehingen, Justingen . Arranged by Julius Baum, Hans Klaiber and Bertold Pfeiffer. Esslingen aN: Paul Neff Verlag (Max Schreiber).
  • Franz Rothenbacher (2015), House book of the city of Schelklingen: Volume 2: House tables. 2nd edition Mannheim: Franz Rothenbacher.
  • Adolf Schahl (1985), The Parish Church of Seißen. Your building and art history. In: Wilhelm Arnold Ruopp and Otto Strübel (eds.), 900 [No Hundred] Years of Seißen same with Bleibeura: Contributions to the local history of an Albdorf . Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke, pp. 92-105.
  • Wolcker . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 36 : Wilhelmy-Zyzywi . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1947, p. 184-185 .
  • Martina Servatius-Koch (2000), Evangelical Church of St. Laurentius Berghülen. In: Municipality of Berghülen (ed.) And Ursula Erdt (ed.), Berghülen with Bühlenhausen and meeting book: 900 years of living history of a community . Ulm: Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 223–240.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Immo Eberl: The family and civil status cases in the parishes of the town of Schelklingen and Urspring Monastery (1602–1621, 1657–) 1692–1875. 2012, no.1786.
  2. Rothenbacher 2015, house number 72 pp. 268–270.
  3. StA Sch A 118 Volume 2 Council minutes 1730–1738, fol. 66-68.
  4. Stadtarchiv Schelklingen A 360 No. 30: Saints care bill of the parish church St. Konradi 1700/01, rubrics church use, building costs and costs.
  5. a b c d StA Sch A 360 No. 33: Saints care bill of the parish church of St. Konradi 1707/08, rubrics church use, building costs and costs.
  6. StA Sch A 360 No. 39: Saints care calculation of the parish church St. Konradi 1713/14, rubrics church use, building costs and costs.
  7. Kind advice from Ms. Ursula Erdt, city archivist of Schelklingen from March 16, 2015. See also Paulus and Gradmann 1914, p. 387 of the entire volume, p. 67 (Oberamt Blaubeuren) (church in Berghülen): “Emporen an Nord- und Westwand of the ship and in the choir. The canvas paintings of the parapet 18th century, on the north side apostles, on the west side David, Elias, evangelists, in the choir from 1817, prophets, reformers, Duke Christoph, King Wilhelm I ”.
  8. See Paulus and Gradmann 1914, p. 444 of the entire volume, p. 124 (Oberamt Blaubeuren) (Church in Seißen): “Gallery in the choir, as well as along the north and west walls. On it, painted on the wood, 35 pictures from the 17th century. with representations from the Old and New Testament. "
  9. Wolcker . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 36 : Wilhelmy-Zyzywi . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1947, p. 184 .
  10. StA Sch A 360 No. 53: Saints care calculation of the parish church St. Konradi 1731/32, rubrics church use, building costs and costs.
  11. StA Sch A 360 No. 55: Saints care calculation of the parish church St. Konradi 1734/35, rubrics church use, building costs and costs.