Johann Georg Wolcker

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Fresco in the church of Lindenberg
Fresco in the parish church of Oberostendorf
Altar sheet in the parish church in Marktoberdorf
Fresco in the collegiate church of Stams

Johann Georg Wolcker the Younger (* 1700 ; † October 27, 1766 in Augsburg ) was a Baroque painter (frescoes and panel paintings).


Johann Georg Wolcker the Younger was born in 1700 as the eldest son of Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder. Ä. and Ursula Michler from Schelklingen . Burgau was apparently not the place of birth after all, as noted in older literature; so the question of his origin and his place of birth must remain open. Klotz-Warislohner suspects that he could come from Ulm-Söflingen; this information is apparently based on the article by Rudolf Weser about Johann Baptist Enderle von Söflingen, in which he notes that the Wolcker family of painters could possibly descend from a Söflinger family Wolcker, which in the 2nd half of the 17th century. is verifiable in the Söflinger church registers. Matthias Wolcker and his wife Katharina NN had children entered in the Söflingen baptismal register from 1645 to 1657. Their son Matthias (or Matthäus) Wolcker, baptized in Söflingen on September 20, 1649, was married to a Klara NN; the couple had five children, baptized in Söflingen from 1676 to 1684. Among them was a Georg, baptized on May 11, 1676. This latter could after the time of his birth Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder. Ä. have been. The nickname "Georg" also corresponds to the Schelklingen archives. It is also noticeable that the first name Matthias (or Matthäus) appears in both families. The presumption of ancestry from the Söflinger family still needs to be checked using Söflinger archives.

The family moved to Schelklingen before May 12, 1702 (after Jörg Martin 1700 or 1701), because on May 12, 1702 the second son and child Johann Michael were baptized there. Archival records from Augsburg prove that the eldest son also moved to Schelklingen, as they call him "Wolcker von Schelklingen", as is the case in the Augsburg wedding office protocol of January 28, 1729. In Schelklingen he received his first training from his father of the same name.

Before 1720 he was apprenticed to the Augsburg academy director Johann Georg Bergmüller and is described by the biographer Georg Christoph Kilian as one of Bergmüller's best students and "food lovers" alongside Gottfried Bernhard Göz and Johann Evangelist Holzer.

On January 28, 1729, he married Ursula Weidner, the 29-year-old in Augsburg, widow of the organ maker Johann Betz, who had previously died on May 7, 1728 in Augsburg. The wedding took place on February 7, 1729 in the presence of his patron Johann Georg Bergmüller in Augsburg St. Georg.

His wife Ursula Weidner was (arithmetically; she was 60 years old when Joseph Anton Wolcker died on June 3, 1759) in Augsburg in 1699, so she was about a year older than her husband. At her second marriage to Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder. J. she was thirty years old. Even so, the marriage apparently remained childless. Joseph Anton Wolcker, who died in Augsburg on June 3, 1759 at the age of ten, appears to be a nephew of Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder. J. and a son of his brother Gottfried Wolcker in Schelklingen, because a Joseph Anton Wolcker was baptized exactly ten years earlier on May 2, 1749 in Schelklingen. The first names also match exactly.

The question of whether the wife Ursula Weidner brought children from her first marriage into her second marriage has not yet been investigated.

The marriage was tied to the previous acquisition of the master craftsman's license, the acquisition of which was made more difficult by the fact that Wolcker had not registered himself in the Augsburg painter's book when he began his journeyman time in 1720 or earlier . In return for a payment of FL 30, Wolcker was granted the master’s justice by resolution of the Augsburg Senate on January 27, 1729.

After he was able to start his own business in 1729, he employed several journeymen in his workshop. Later he took over the post of "predecessor" who had to enter the painter journeyman in the registration book. Wolcker also trained apprentices, because in 1735 his apprentice Vallentius Antonius Mayer was enrolled, and for his work in Stams he was supported by journeymen unknown by name.

The location of Johann Georg Wolcker's house in Augsburg has not yet been determined, but he probably inherited from his predecessor Johann Betz and lived in his house.

Wolcker died in Augsburg on October 27, 1766 at the age of 66.


  • 1729: Oil painting "Heiliger Kajetan before the Mother of God" in the Moritzkirche in Augsburg, dated and inscribed "1729"
  • 1729: Altarpiece in the parish church of St. Walburga in Monheim
  • 1729/31: Panel in the Kaisheim monastery
  • 1730: Ceiling and wall frescoes in the parish church of St. Georg in Haunstetten (City of Augsburg)
  • 1730s: 15 station images in the Catholic parish church of Schelklingen on both sides of the nave. Without date or signature
  • Around 1730/40: Two paintings in the parish church of St. Petrus Canisius in Friedrichshafen are attributed to him
  • 1730–36: the frescoes and altar leaves (panel paintings) in the Cistercian monastery church of Stams am Inn in Tyrol are his main work . The contract with Wolcker was concluded on October 27, 1739. Ceiling painting with scenes from the life of Mary and St. Bernard. Six altarpieces there. St. Martin on horseback (dated 1733), upper picture: St. Martin as bishop; Adoration of the Holy Family, upper picture: St. Anthony of Padua; Beheading of John the Baptist, upper picture: Mary with child and angels; Finding the cross, upper picture: Christ Salvator; All Saints' Day, upper picture: Baptism of Christ; Adoration of St. Bernhard (dated 1732), top picture: Mocking Christ. This order was the largest of his career and was brokered by the Kaisheim monastery and it can be proven that it lasted until 1736.
  • 1732: Ceiling frescoes in the parish church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Walleshausen
  • 1733: Ceiling fresco in the grace chapel of the parish church in Stetten ob Lontal . Designated "IoannIs georgII WoLCker IngenIo InVenta ManVs pIngenDo reVeLabat (= 1733)"
  • 1735: Images of the apostles in the parish church of St. Nikolaus in Stadtbergen near Augsburg
  • Around 1735: Dome fresco in the Maria Schnee chapel of Bischofsried (Markt Dießen am Ammersee) is attributed to him
  • 1738: Frescoes in the nave of the parish church of St. Pankratius in Bidingen
  • 1738: Ceiling painting "Glory of St. Sebastian" in the parish church in Oberdorf
  • 1738: two ceiling paintings and a side altar leaf in the parish church of St. Nikolaus in Stadtbergen
  • 1739: Frescoes and gallery pictures in the branch church of St. John the Baptist of the former castle in Markt (Markt Biberbach)
  • 1739 and around 1740/50: Altarpieces in the parish church of the Assumption of Mary in Kaisheim
  • 1739: Frescoes and gallery pictures in the branch church of St. John the Baptist of the former castle in Markt (Markt Biberbach)
  • 1739: Choir side altarpiece in the monastery church in Kaisheim , inscribed "1739"
  • 1739: two ceiling paintings on canvas in the monastery church in Kaisheim , originally in the library, now in the imperial hall of the monastery, dated "1739"
  • Around 1740/50: Altarpieces in the parish church of the Assumption in the monastery church in Kaisheim
  • 1740/41: Ceiling frescoes and oil paintings in the parish church of St. Georg in Westendorf
  • 1740: Frescoes in the parish church of St. Martin in Deubach
  • 1741: Ceiling frescoes and panel paintings in the parish church of St. Mauritius in Weil (Upper Bavaria)
  • 1741: On the high altar of the parish church of Eismerszell Painting: St. George killing the dragon, inscribed: “J. Wolcker 1741 "
  • 1745: Ceiling painting in the parish church of St. Georg von Lindenberg (town of Buchloe) "The holy penitents", inscribed "Wolcker inv. Et pinx. Aug. Vind. 1745 "
  • Around 1745: frescoes in the St. Johannes Baptist branch church in Ebersbach
  • Around 1745: Longhouse frescoes in the parish church of St. Martin in Willishausen (municipality of Diedorf)
  • 1745: Frescoing of the exterior of the former landscape building and later state house in Stuttgart. Wolcker signed the contract on February 8, 1745 together with Johann Georg Bergmüller. Wolcker presented two cracks, whereupon the work was entrusted to him together with Bergmüller's son Johann Baptist. The frescoes were refreshed again in the 1880s and were mostly erroneously attributed to Johann Georg Bergmüller. The Ständehaus and its frescoes went down in a bombing raid in World War II and was never rebuilt.
  • 1746: Altar sheet with the vision of a saint in the northern nave chapel of the parish church of St. Michael in Mering
  • 1746: Maria in der Glorie in the monastery church Söflingen , inscribed “JG (in ligature): Wolcker fec Aug: Vindel. 1746 "
  • 1747: Frescoes and panel paintings in the parish and pilgrimage church of the Assumption in Oberostendorf . Three ceiling paintings of the Lamentation of Christ, the Entombment and Mary as "mater dolorosa" and as the rosary queen, venerated by the four continents (main picture), inscribed and dated "1747"
  • 1748: a picture with the Assumption of Mary in the monastery church in Söflingen , inscribed "JG Wolcker 1748"
  • 1748: Frescoes in the parish church of St. Petrus and Paulus in Winkl
  • 1749: Painting of Saint Aloysius in the parish church "Mariä Verkendung" in Welden
  • 1750: Picture in the Ottobeuren monastery museum : Mass of St. Isidore. Inscribed and dated '1750'
  • 1751: Frescoing of the parish church of St. Ulrich in Aitrang . The frescoing has not been preserved, as the church furnishings were largely renewed in the so-called “Romanesque” style in 1868–76
  • 1751: Work (frescoing) in Oberdorf Castle
  • 1752: Former altarpiece in the parish church “St. Martin ”in Kaufbeuren
  • 1752: Altar leaves on the two side altars in the parish church of St. Martin in Marktoberdorf
  • 1753: panel in Ingolstadt “Sta. Maria de Victoria ”
  • 1753: Ceiling painting “Assumption of Mary” and altarpiece “The three holy families” in the chapel of the Catholic orphanage in Augsburg , dated “1753”
  • 1754: two altar leaves of the guardian angel and the Aloysius altar in the Georgskirche in Amberg , both dated "1754"
  • 1754: a side altar sheet modified by Wolcker “St. Margarete, below Ludwig the Brandenburger ”in the chapter church of the Benedictine Abbey of Scheyern
  • (no year): Altarpiece "Maria with the child" in the church in Deilingen , inscribed
  • (no year): in the Bavarian State Painting Collections some altarpieces from Benediktbeuern Abbey and Augsburg Cathedral
  • around 1770: three side altar leaves copied by J. Deyrer around 1770 “St. Joseph, Jesus and Maria Magdalena, 9 choirs of angels ”in the collegiate church of the Scheyern Benedictine Abbey


  • Gert Ammann (1973), Baroque in Stams. In Stams Abbey (ed.), 700 years of Stams Abbey, 1273–1973 . Stams: Selbstverlag Stift Stams, pp. 47–90.
  • Karl Atz, (1909), Art History of Tyrol and Vorarlberg . 2. reworked. u. increased edition Innsbruck: Wagner.
  • Wolfgang Augustyn (1995), “The Return of the Holy Family from Egypt” - a drawing by Johann Georg Wolcker. In the yearbook of the State Art Collections in Baden-Württemberg. Volume 32, pp. 99-109.
  • Anna Bauer-Wild et al. (Texts) and Wolf-Christian von der Mülbe (Pfotos) (1976), Corpus of Baroque ceiling painting in Germany. Volume 1: Free State of Bavaria, Administrative Region Upper Bavaria. The districts of Landsberg am Lech, Starnberg, Weilheim-Schongau . Munich: Süddeutscher Verlag, pp. 28-29, 266-279, 282-286.
  • Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation (ed.) (1895), Die Kunstdenkmäler von Bayern. On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art. Volume 1: The art monuments of the administrative region of Upper Bavaria . Arranged by Gustav von Bezold and Berthold Riehl; G. Hager. Part 1: City and District Office Ingolstadt, District Offices Pfaffenhofen, Schrobenhausen, Aichach, Friedberg, Dachau . (Reprint of the Munich edition: Albert. Munich: Oldenbourg, 1982).
  • Johann Georg Bergmüller and Alois Epple (1988), Johann Georg Bergmüller 1688–1762: On the 300th anniversary of his birth, exhibition in the castle in Türkheim . Weißenhorn: Anton H. Konrad.
  • Wilhelm Braun (1939), Christoph Thomas Scheffler. An Asam student: contributions to his painting work . Contributions to Swabian art history, volume 1. Stuttgart: Metzler.
  • Tilman Breuer (1960), City and District of Kaufbeuren: Brief inventory . Bavarian art monuments, volume 9. Munich: German art publisher.
  • Georg Dehio (1920), Handbook of German Art Monuments. Volume 3: Southern Germany. 2nd edition Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth.
  • Georg Dehio (1925), Handbook of German Art Monuments. Volume 3: Southern Germany. 3rd edition Berlin: Ernst Wasmuth.
  • Georg Dehio (1980), Dehio Handbook. The art monuments of Austria: Tyrol . Vienna: Schroll.
  • Georg Dehio (1997), Handbook of German Art Monuments : Baden-Württemberg II . Munich-Berlin: German art publisher.
  • Georg Dehio (2008), Handbook of German Art Monuments: Bavaria III, Swabia . Munich-Berlin: German art publisher.
  • Georg Dehio and Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft (1933a), Handbook of German Art Monuments. Volume 3: Southern Germany. 7th edition Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag.
  • Georg Dehio and Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft (1933b), Handbook of German Art Monuments. Section 2, Volume 1: The art monuments in Carinthia, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol and Vorarlberg . Vienna: Schroll; Berlin: German art publisher.
  • Max Duncker (1938), directory of the Württemberg church registers . 2nd edition Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
  • Alois Epple and Johann Georg Bergmüller (1988), Johann Georg Bergmüller 1688–1762: On the 300th anniversary of his birth. Exhibition in the castle in Türkheim . Weißenhorn: Anton H. Konrad, pp. 101-105.
  • Gustav Euringer (1910–1916), On Close Paths: An Augsburg hiking book for friends of nature and prehistoric times . 2nd edition Augsburg: Lampart.
  • Josef Garber (1926), The Cistercian Abbey of Stams . Die Kunst in Tirol, Volume 13. Vienna and Augsburg: Filser.
  • Heinrich Hammer (1912), The Development of Baroque Ceiling Painting in Tyrol . Studies on German Art History, Issue 159. Strasbourg: Heitz.
  • Michael Hartig (1922), Augsburg's Art . Augsburg-Stuttgart: Filser.
  • Hans Andreas Klaiber and Reinhard Wortmann (arr.) (1978), The art monuments of the former Oberamt Ulm: without the district of Ulm . Munich: German art publisher.
  • Gerhard Klotz-Warislohner (1988a), The Freskant Johann Georg Wolcker (1700–1766): The frescos of Stams . Landsberg am Lech: previously unpublished master's thesis.
  • Gerhard Klotz-Warislohner (1988b), Johann Georg Wolcker 1700–1766. In Johann Georg Bergmüller and Alois Epple, Johann Georg Bergmüller 1688-1762: For the 300th anniversary of his birth year, exhibition at the castle in Untertürkheim . Weißenhorn: Anton H. Konrad, pp. 101-106.
  • Royal Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior for Church and School Affairs (ed.) (1909), Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kingdom of Bavaria. Volume II: Administrative regions of Upper Palatinate and Regensburg. Part 16: City of Amberg . Munich: Oldenbourg.
  • Karl Kosel (1977), activity report of the diocesan conservator 1975 to 1976. In yearbook: Verein für Augsburger Bistumsgeschichte eV Lindenberg: Kunstverlag Fink, vol. 11, p. 261f.
  • Karl Kosel (1984), Augsburg baroque artist in Stams. In yearbook: Association for Augsburg Diocesan History eV Lindenberg: Kunstverlag Fink, vol. 18, pp. 383–407.
  • Monika Meine-Schawe and Martin Schawe (1995), The Reuschel Collection: Late Baroque Oil Sketches. Edited by the Reuschel Foundation, Munich. Bruckmann: Munich, pp. 162-167.
  • Theodor Neuhofer (1938), The Augsburg Residence and its Builders: Contributions to the South German Art History of the 18th Century. In the journal of the Historical Association for Swabia and Neuburg . Augsburg, Jg. 53, 1938, 123-175, I-IV).
  • Without author (1912–1915), literary news. Archive for the history of the Hochstift Augsburg . Edited on behalf of the Dillingen Historical Society. Dillingen a. D .: Association, Volume 4, pp. 499–620, here p. 606.
  • Georg Paula (1999), The masters and journeymen of the Augsburg painters' guild from 1648 to 1827. In the journal of the Historisches Verein für Schwaben . Augsburg: Wißner, Volume 92, pp. 91-138.
  • Eduard von Paulus (arr.) (1889), The art and antiquity monuments in the Kingdom of Württemberg. Inventories: Neckarkkreis . Stuttgart: Paul Neff Verlag.
  • Eduard von Paulus and Eugen Gradmann (eds.) (1897), The art and antiquity monuments in the Kingdom of Württemberg. Inventory: Black Forest District . Stuttgart: Paul Neff Verlag.
  • Frank Raberg (2001), Biographical Handbook of the Württemberg State Parliament Members 1815–1933 . Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
  • Julius Schöttl (1934/35), Franz Karl Schwertle and Johann Michael Fischer, two 18th century sculptors from Dillingen. In the yearbook of the Historical Association Dillingen an der Donau , Volume 47/48, pp. 48-105, pp. 53, 248.
  • Anton von Steichele and Alfred Schröder (1896–1904), The Diocese of Augsburg: historical and statistical. Volume 6: The Land Chapter: Kaufbeuren . Augsburg: Schmid.
  • Anton von Steichele and Alfred Schröder (1906–1910), The Diocese of Augsburg: historical and statistical. Volume 7: The country chapter: Oberdorf . Augsburg: Schmid.
  • Josef Straßer (2006), Johann Georg Wolcker's designs for the frescoes in St. Georg in Augsburg-Haunstetten. In the yearbook of the Association for the History of the Augsburg Diocese, vol. 40, pp. 313–332.
  • Wolcker . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 36 : Wilhelmy-Zyzywi . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1947, p. 184 .
  • Verkehrsverein Augsburg eV (Ed.) (1927), Official Guide Augsburg . Augsburg: self-published by the tourist association.
  • Ernst Welisch (1901), Augsburg painter in the 18th century: A contribution to the history of the Baroque and Rococo . Augsburg: Lampart, p. 51f. (First contributions to the history of Augsburg painters in the 18th century. Munich, Univ .: Diss., 1898 (around 1900)).
  • Josef Weingartner (1913), The Parish Church of Stams. In Der Kunstfreund: A short review in the field of the fine arts of old and new times with practical waving in words and pictures . Edited by the Association for Church Art and Crafts in Tyrol and Vorarlberg, vol. 29, pp. 11–14 (with 2 illustrations by Stams).
  • Rudolf Weser (1917), the fresco painters Anton and Joh. Baptist Enderle von Söflingen. In archive for Christian art: Organ of the Rottenburger Diözesan-Kunstverein . Stuttgart: Schwabenverlag, Volume 35, p. 16 f.
  • Württembergischer Geschichts- und Altertumsverein and Albert von Pfister (ed.) (1907), Duke Karl Eugen von Württemberg and his time . Volume 1. Esslingen aN: Paul Neff.

Web links

Commons : Johann Georg Wolcker  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Year of birth at Klotz-Warislohner 1988b, p. 101 according to Georg Christoph Kilian, Augsburg artist biographer, handwritten notes from 1764. Accordingly, there is no entry in the Schelklingen baptismal register. The main source for the biography is Klotz-Warislohner 1988b, pp. 101-106, based on Klotz-Warislohner's master's thesis on the fresco artist Johann Georg Wolcker the Elder. J. (Klotz-Warislohner 1988a); see. also Euringer 1910/16, pp. XXX, 941; Hartig 1922, p. 76f .; Kosel 1977; Meine-Schawe and Schawe 1995; Neuhofer 1938, p. 149; Without author 1912/15; Welisch 1901, p. 51 f .; Thieme-Becker, keyword "Wolcker" No. 5.
  2. Klotz-Warislohner 1988a, p. 13. Klotz-Warislohner seems to have completely researched the holdings of the Augsburg city archive. The location of the house and further details of the same (such as the house value etc.) did not concern the author. The children of Wolcker's wife from his first marriage and any births from his second marriage to Johann Georg Wolcker might have to be checked again using the Augsburg church records.
  3. Weser 1917, p. 16 f. - Church books of the Catholic parish of St. Maria: Baptism book 1615 ff., Marriage book 1811 ff., Death book 1758 ff. (Duncker 1938, p. 218); available in the Söflingen parish, as microfiches in the Rottenburg diocesan archive and a copy of it in the Ulm city archive (only for internal use). - The official books of the monastery are stored in the StA Ludwigsburg, inventory B 509 (21.4 running meters), received from 1615/26 to 1796/1802, from 1650/62 with register. - The stock books of the monastery are in the HStA Stgt inventory H 233 stock books of the monasteries and pens, first letter S: Salem-Stetten: here Söflingen, Klarissinnen (from 1489) 34 volumes (1 running meter). The Ulm City Archives keep other holdings.
  4. Klotz-Warislohner 1988a, p. 68.
  5. ^ Application for the granting of the master craftsman's license of January 7, 1729 to the Augsburg city council, co-signed by Johann Georg Bergmüller (Klotz-Warislohner 1988b, p. 104 f.).
  6. ^ According to Paula 1999, p. 113, the master craftsman's license was granted on January 29, 1729; see. also Paula 1999, p. 111. See also Bergmüller, Epple and Strasser 2012, p. 28 u. Note 133.
  7. Klotz-Warislohner 1988a, p. 15.
  8. Klotz-Warislohner 1988b, p. 104.
  9. The frescoes are only partially preserved. See Straßer 2006.
  10. Ammann 1973, p. 73; Atz 1909, pp. 878f .; Dehio and German Association for Art History 1933b, pp. 487–491; Euringer 1910/16, p. 942; Garber 1926, especially p. 18 ff .; Hammer 1912, p. 287 f .; Kosel 1984; Weingartner 1913.
  11. Dehio 1920, p. 566; Dehio 1925, p. 560; Dehio and German Association for Art History 1933a, p. 560; Euringer 1910/16, p. 238; Euringer 1910/16, p. 942; Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation 1895, p. 557; Bauer-Wild u. von der Mülbe 1976, pp. 266-274.
  12. Klaiber and Wortmann 1978, pp. 695, 701 f. (Text) and after p. 704 (color plate VIII); Dehio 1925, p. 509.
  13. Euringer 1910/16, p. 942.
  14. Bauer-Wild u. von der Mülbe 1976, p. 28 f.
  15. Dehio 1920, p. 70; Dehio and German Association for Art History 1933a, p. 70f .; from Steichele u. Schröder 1906-1910, p. 112 f.
  16. Euringer 1910/16, pp. 942, 995; Schöttl 1934/35, p. 248.
  17. Dehio 1920, p. 583; Dehio 1925, p. 577; Dehio and German Association for Art History 1933a, p. 577; Euringer 1910/16, p. 717.
  18. Dehio 1920, p. 92; Dehio 1925, p. 92; Dehio and German Association for Art History 1933a, p. 92.
  19. Bauer-Wild u. von der Mülbe 1976, pp. 275-279.
  20. ^ Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation 1895, p. 452.
  21. Breuer 1960, p. 156f .; Dehio 1920, p. 282; Dehio 1925, p. 281; Dehio and German Association for Art History 1933a, p. 281; Euringer 1910/16, p. 942; from Steichele u. Schröder 1896–1904, p. 507.
  22. Paulus 1889, p. 37f .; Württembergischer Geschichts- und Altertumsverein and von Pfister 1907, p. 680 f .; Raberg 2001, frontispiece: view of the estate.
  23. Euringer 1910/16, pp. 942, 964.
  24. Klaiber and Wortmann 200, p. 634 (text) and p. 633 (Fig. 567).
  25. Dehio 1920, p. 392; from Steichele u. Schröder 1896-1904, p. 526 f.
  26. Augustyn 1995; Bauer-Wild u. von der Mülbe 1976, pp. 282-286.
  27. by Steichele u. Schröder 1906–1910, p. 10, note 31.
  28. By Steichele et al. Schröder 1906-1910, p. 352 f. Note 103.
  29. Braun 1939, p. 80.
  30. Euringer 1910/16, p. 941 f .; Verkehrsverein Augsburg eV 1927, p. 90.
  31. Royal Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior for Church and School Affairs (Ed.) 1909, Volume 2, Part 16, p. 38.
  32. Dehio 1925, p. 89; Dehio and German Association for Art History 1933a, p. 89; Paulus 1897, p. 344.