Johann Gottfried Zeller

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Johann Zeller in the Tübingen Professorengalerie

Johann Gottfried Zeller (born January 5, 1656 in Lienzingen , Duchy of Württemberg , † April 7, 1734 in Tübingen ) was a German medic .


Johann Zeller studied in Tübingen, where he received his medical doctorate in 1684 after returning from a major scientific journey through France, Holland and Germany. He was then travel companion of the Prince of Oettingen for two years and since 1686 associate professor in Tübingen.

Zeller received the title of medical councilor from several courts. He was an experienced obstetrician and, as such, helped with the delivery of Charles VI's wife in 1716 . , Empress Elisabeth Christine . His numerous writings, written in Latin, deal with obstetrics and balneology . The latter deal with the Württemberg medicinal springs Teinach , Wildbad and Liebenzell .

His daughter Clara Hedwig married the physician Alexander Camerarius in 1720 .

Fonts (selection)

  • Diss. De vasorum lymphaticorum administratione et phaenomenis secundum et praeter naturam. Tubingen 1687.
  • Diss. Quod pulmorum infantis in aqua subsidentia infanticidas non graduat nec a tortura liberet nec respirationem fetus in utero tollat. Tubingen 1691.
  • Diss. De vita humana ex funiculo pendente. Tubingen 1692.
  • Diss. De morbis ex structura glandularum praeternaturali natis. Tubingen 1694.
  • Quadriga thesium medicarum ad ductum aphor. Hippocr., Sect. I. Tubingen 1695.

Individual evidence

  1. Julius Pagel:  Zeller, Johann Gottfried . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 45, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1900, p. 26 f.
  2. ^ Zeller, Johann Gottfried In: Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. published by August Hirsch, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 2nd edition, Volume 5, Berlin 1934, retrieved from the German Biographical Archive, p. 40.
  3. Eberhard E. von Georgii-Georgenau: Biographical-genealogical sheets from and about Swabia. Emil Müller, Stuttgart 1879, p. 112