Johann Heinrich Egli (composer)

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Johann Heinrich Egli (born March 4, 1742 in Seegräben (Canton of Zurich), † December 19, 1810 in Zurich ) was a Swiss composer and music teacher . He was one of the most important representatives of the Wetziker School .


Johann Heinrich Egli came from a family in the Zurich countryside. He received his first musical lessons from the pastor and song composer Johann Schmidlin. From 1760 he lived in Zurich, where he autodidactically studied the works of Johann Philipp Kirnberger , Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach . He made a name for himself in Zurich as a teacher of piano and singing; Among other things, he also taught his friend Johann Jakob Walder , who was eight years his junior . Egli also played at the Zurich Collegium musicum . His friends included Hans Georg Nägeli , Johann Caspar Lavater and the priest of poets, Jakob Hess . Egli set a number of primarily patriotic texts by Lavater to music.

Works (selection)

  • Swiss songs by different authors, as a second part for Mr. Lavater's Swiss songs. Set to music by Joh. Heinrich Egli. 1787. (50 songs, librettist Johann Caspar Lavater )
  • Swiss songs with melodies. 2 vols. David Bürkli, Zurich 1796–1798 ( digitized version ).
  • Songs of wisdom and virtue. Bürkli, Zurich 1811.
  • Musical flower picking for lovers of singing and piano. 2. Vol., 1786, 1789. With songs by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, among others


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Egli: Songs. In the virtual exhibition of the Zurich Central Library