Johann Jakob Hug

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Johann Jakob Hug (born January 23, 1801 in Basel ; † March 6, 1849 in Liestal ) was a Swiss lawyer and politician . He was one of the political founding fathers of the canton of Basel-Landschaft .


After attending school in Basel, Johann Jakob Hug studied law in Basel , Tübingen and Heidelberg . In 1822 he became a member of the Corps Helvetia Tübingen and in 1824 of the Corps Helvetia Heidelberg.

After completing your studies with a doctorate to become a Dr. iur. he initially worked as a criminal judge in Basel. From 1829 to 1831 he was governor of the Waldenburg district and, in 1831, advocated the legal equality of the rural citizens vis-à-vis the Basel aristocrats, for which he was removed from office and sentenced to prison. After having worked on the constitution of the half-canton of Basel-Landschaft in 1832, he was the first land clerk of the new canton from 1832 to 1838. From 1832 to 1840 and from 1841 to 1849 he was a member of the District Administrator of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft as a member. From 1838 to 1839 he was its president. In 1836, 1838, 1839 and 1845 he was envoy to the Swiss Diet , which had recognized the canton of Basel-Landschaft in 1833. After 1838 Hug worked as a lawyer and notary in Liestal. He was a member of the criminal court, which he chaired several times as president. His political commitment was particularly directed towards the political refugees from southern Germany.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Korpslisten 1910, 195a , 3; 115 , 32