Johann Jakob Rambach (physician)

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Johann Jacob Rambach , also Johann Jacob Rambach (born August 30, 1772 in Quedlinburg , † February 2, 1812 in Hamburg ) was a German medic .


Johann Jacob Rambach Dr. med. 1772-1812 , collective grave slab Physici , Ohlsdorf cemetery

Johann Jacob Rambach was the second son of the theologian Johann Jakob Rambach (1737-1818) and his wife Marie Juliane Louise Boysen (1745-1773). He attended the school of scholars in Quedlinburg and then studied medicine in Halle , where he received his doctorate in 1792. Then he opened a medical practice in Hamburg. In 1801 he published the much-acclaimed work attempt at a physical and medical description of Hamburg . In 1802 Rambach was also head of a rescue facility for drowned people. In 1804 the Hamburg Senate elected him physicist . He died of " hot nervous fever ".

The theologian August Jacob Rambach and the philologist Friedrich Eberhard Rambach were brothers of Johann Jakob.

In the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof , Johann Jakob Rambach, among others, is commemorated on the collective grave plate Physici of the Althamburg Memorial Cemetery.

