Johann Jakob Weidenkeller

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Johann Jakob Weidenkeller (also Johann Jacob ; born August 25, 1789 in Kempten , † July 2, 1851 in Nuremberg ) was a German veterinarian and agricultural scientist .


Weidenkeller was the son of an executioner . He attended the Kempten Gymnasium , which became the Royal Bavarian Gymnasium in 1804 , and graduated there in 1807. He then graduated from the Central Veterinary School , the predecessor of today's veterinary faculty at the University of Munich, until 1810 , before he came to the Innkreis as a district veterinarian .

Weidenkeller became a regimental veterinarian from 1813 and took part in the Wars of Liberation . In 1815 or 1816 he was stationed in Nuremberg. He turned down the appointment as director of the Veterinary School in Düsseldorf and was one of the leading initiators of the industrial and cultural association in Nuremberg in 1819 . An association that also particularly endeavored to promote the weak and which organized an exhibition of art and commercial products as early as 1820 under Weidenkeller's direction.

In 1833, Weidenkeller became a royal professor and head of the district agricultural and trade school he had initiated. In addition, in 1834, at his instigation, an educational institution for poor boys was founded, where he worked as a teacher and as a director of an agricultural branch. This institution grew continuously in the period that followed. In addition, he made a contribution in other social matters.


Fonts (selection)

From 1818 he published the weekly paper for cattle breeding and veterinary medicine .

  • Attempt of a draft for an improved organization of the veterinary system in all European countries. May, Nuremberg 1816.
  • The Russian and Polish horses in the southern German states take their lifespan into account. Bauer and Raspe, Nuremberg 1822.
  • Instructions for working and treating the barren grounds and sandy deserts. Bauer and Raspe, Nuremberg 1826.
  • Catechism of Agriculture Doctrine for all branches of agriculture. 2 volumes in several booklets, Nuremberg 1837–1849.
  • Catechism for Shepherds and Shepherds. Nuremberg 1849.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. History of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Munich on (accessed on June 10, 2019).
  2. Introduction to the history of the IKV at (accessed on June 10, 2019).