Johann Kuene van Franckenberg

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Johann Kuene van Franckenberg (* before 1466, † after 1491) was the ninth and last known master builder at Cologne Cathedral in the Middle Ages . His predecessor was his father Konrad Kuene van der Hallen . He was accepted into the stonemasonry brotherhood in 1466 and appeared in an Aachen building invoice in 1487. He was last mentioned in 1491.

See also

Portal: Cologne Cathedral  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the subject of Cologne Cathedral


  • Paul Clemen (Ed.): The Cologne Cathedral (= The Art Monuments of the Rhine Province. Volume 6, Part III). Reprint of the 2nd, increased edition, Düsseldorf, 1938. Düsseldorf Schwann 1980, ISBN 3-590-32101-6
  • Johann Jakob Merlo : History of the Cologne Cathedral Builders (= No. 75 of the yearbooks of the Association of Friends of Antiquity in the Rhineland), 1883
  • Max Hasak : The Cologne Cathedral , Berlin 1911, p. 114 online


  1. Clemen, Dom, p. 60
  2. Clemen, Dom, p. 64

See also