Bernhard Hertel

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Bernhard Hertel (front row, center) in the midst of his employees at the Cologne cathedral building works in 1927

Bernhard Hertel (born February 14, 1862 in Kevelaer ; † December 21, 1927 in Cologne ) was a German architect of historicism . In the development phase of the German Catholic Church after the end of Bismarck's Kulturkampf , several large neo-Gothic parish churches were built based on his designs . From 1903 until his death he was Cologne cathedral builder .


Portrait of Hertel in the style of a medieval builder (capital of the north-eastern aisle in the parish church of St. Joseph in Münster, which he built)

Bernhard Hertel was the son of the Münster diocesan master builder Hilger Hertel (the elder) and brother of Hilger Hertel the younger . After graduating from high school at Paulinum , he learned masonry and stonemasonry in Münster and at the same time studied art history at the Royal Academy . From 1882 to 1886 he studied architecture at the Technical University in Munich and at the Technical University (Berlin-) Charlottenburg .

After the second state examination in 1890, he did not go into civil service as planned, but instead completed the construction projects of his father, who died in the same year, in an office shared with his brother. At the same time he continued his education through study trips. In 1899 he joined the state building administration in Berlin and created several secular buildings. At the Technical University (Berlin-) Charlottenburg he was assistant to Christoph Hehl , then private lecturer for medieval architecture.

In September 1903 Bernhard Hertel succeeded Richard Voigtel as head of the Cologne Dombauhütte . The fight against the deterioration of the building structure as a result of the high concentration of pollutants in the air and rain, as well as the demand for funds in the war and inflationary years, required all his strength. He managed to increase the number of stonemasons to over 40 and to implement a consistent plan for the renewal of the buttresses and rows of pinnacles on the choir .

Bernhard Hertel was (like his father and brother) a member of the Catholic student association VKDSt. Saxonia Münster in the CV .

Shortly after the building authorities decided to extend his term of office beyond the legal age limit , Hertel died in 1927 at the age of 65 of complications from pneumonia .

Buildings (partly together with Hilger Hertel the Younger)

St. Elisabeth in Berlin-Schöneberg (1911)

See also

Portal: Cologne Cathedral  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the subject of Cologne Cathedral


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elke Disselbeck-Tewes: The construction diary Gladbecker St. Lamberti Church. (= Contributions and mishaps , volume 6.) MV Wissenschaft, Essen 2010, ISBN 978-3-86991-187-8 .
  2. House., accessed on November 17, 2014 .