Johann Kunsch von Breitenwald

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Johann Kunsch von Breitenwald (born May 8, 1620 in Opava , Silesia , † November 9, 1681 in Berlin ) was a German Reformed theologian and preacher of the Elector of Brandenburg to the Great Elector in Berlin.


As the son of Jeremias Kunsch von Breitenwald, personal physician to Margrave Johann Georg von Brandenburg-Jägerndorf , and Barbara geb. Giller von Lilienfeld , Kunsch von Breitenwald grew up in Brieg , where he attended grammar school until 1635. After studying theology at the University of Groningen , he became pastor in Xanten in 1646 , from where he moved to Rees in 1652 . In 1655 he was appointed cathedral preacher in Cölln and, after the death of Johann Bergius in 1659, also took over his position as court preacher . He also taught at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium .

Elector Friedrich Wilhelm valued Kunsch von Breitenwald very much, often took him on trips and entrusted him with the education of his sons Karl Emil (1660) and Friedrich (1664). In 1662/63 he took part in the Berlin Religious Discussion between the Brandenburg Lutherans and the Reformed, initiated by the Great Elector, and in 1668 in the union negotiations with John Durie . In 1665 he was loaned to Copenhagen as court preacher for a year.

Kunsch von Breitenwald was married to Susanna Maria Adami, daughter of the pastor Johann Adami, from 1646. Two of his sons also entered the Prussian civil service: Johann Kunsch von Breitenwald jun. (1649–1695) as court and chamber judge, Carl Aemilius († 1705) as semi-urban councilor.


  • Heinrich Schmettau : Faithful teacher and preacher / earthly loess / and heavenly inheritance ... [funeral sermon on request]. Schultze, Cölln on the Spree 1681.
  • Rudolf von Thadden : The Brandenburg-Prussian court preachers in the 17th and 18th centuries. A contribution to the history of the absolutist state society in Brandenburg-Prussia. de Gruyter, Berlin 1959, p. 184.
  • Lothar Noack, Jürgen Splett: Bio Bibliographies. Brandenburg scholars of the early modern period. Berlin-Cölln 1640–1688. de Gruyter, Berlin 1997, p. 221f. ISBN 3-05-002840-8 .
  • Peter Bahl : The court of the great elector. Böhlau-Verlag, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2001, esp.p. 525f. ISBN 3-412-08300-3 .