Johann Lüneburg († 1529)

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Johann Lüneburg (* Lübeck ; † August 2, 1529 ibid) was a Lübeck councilor in the 16th century.


Johann Lüneburg was the son of the Lübeck citizen of the same name, Johann Lüneburg († 1493) . Johann Lüneburg became a member of the influential circle society in 1515 together with the long-distance merchant and later councilor Hinrich Kerckring and the Nuremberg-born long-distance merchant Mathias Mulich ; the annals of the circle society list it to distinguish it from other members of the same name, e.g. B. Johann Lüneburg († 1531) , Middle Low German as "Hans Luneborch Caterinen Sone achter S. Jacob"; other sources refer to him as "der Krause". The first addition to the name allows conclusions to be drawn about his place of residence behind the Jakobikirche in Königstraße ; Due to the current state of Lübeck house research, he will have lived in the house at Königstrasse 5 , between Berthold Kerkring and Nikolaus Broemse . The paintings documented today in the house from this period can therefore be traced back to Johann Lüneburg as the client. He was elected to the city council in 1527. He was married twice, first with Katharina von Leven († 1519), the daughter of the Strander Staller Laurens Leve , and second with Anna Kortsack, sister of Mathias Mulich's second wife. Johann Lüneburg died of an English sweat . He was buried next to his first wife under a stone heraldic tombstone, which was documented but no longer preserved after the demolition in 1806, in the choir of the monastery church of St. John's Monastery .

His son was the mayor of Lübeck, Hieronymus Lüneburg . His daughter was married to the councilor Heinrich Brömse (1507–1563), a nephew of Nikolaus Brömse .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ After building and architectural history, urban development in Lübeck (BASt database) , his second wife Anneke = Anna born. Kortsack 1531 owner, their son the mayor Hieronymus / Jeronymus Lüneburg 1564 owner; Fehling confirms from the latter that he lived in his father's house.
  2. Wall and ceiling painting in Lübeck houses 1300 to 1800: Königstrasse 5